Part 23

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Lando smiled at me, relieved.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked, "Thanks to this great guy, I've got Netflix."

"Really?" Lando replied.

"Oh yeah." I reassured him.

"How 'great' is he?" Lando asked me, looking like he couldn't help himself.

"Oh, so great. Really sweet too." I told him, smiling cheekily. He grinned back, his grip on my hand firm. "What movie do you want to watch?" I asked him, picking up a donut and moving towards the couch.

"Don't know." Lando replied, picking up two donuts.

"Let's watch 'Red Notice'." I told him, sitting down on the couch. Lando looked at me questioningly, sitting down next to me. "Such a great movie."

"Really?" Lando asked.

"Yep." I responded. Picking up the TV remote.

"I have a question." Lando said, turning to me.


"Will you do a LandoLOG with me?" Lando asked, looking away.

"What would we do in the log?" I responded.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm... I don't know?"

"What about, I don't know, workout? People want to see that from you." I said, flicking my hair out of my face. Lando nodded and pulled out his phone.

"I'm going to text Ash." he told me, as he started to tap at his phone. I found the movie and tapped on it, waiting for Lando to be done, the donut tasted delicious (just btw). Lando looked up and nodded, I played the movie. 

After the movie Lando told me about what was happening tomorrow, then he went back to his room.

The next day

I heard a knock on the door to my hotel room. So, I headed towards it, pulling on my hoodie.

"Morning!" Lando greeted me as I opened the door, a guy holding a massive camera stood behind him.

"Good morning!" I replied, looking back at Lando with lifted eyebrows. "That's a fancy camera." I remarked, letting go of the door. Lando sighed and glared at me, laughing I gestured for him to come in. When he had come in, I walked past him, twisting my hair—that was in a ponytail—into a bun, securing it with another hair band.

I picked up the bag I had packed earlier. It contained my workout things that gyms don't usually have. I turned when I heard Lando talking to the camera.

"This is Lori's hotel, which is oddly neat. Why is it neat?" he asked sitting on the back of the couch, he turned to me "I didn't think you would be so tidy."

"I like to be unpredictable." I told him, pulling my bag over my shoulder. Lando was wearing a tight Nike top and some black midthigh loose shorts, he had paired them with white trainers.

"Ready?" he asked, standing up from the couch, I nodded, walking to the front door. When we were walking down the hall Lando turned to the camera, "This is Lori, she's a McLaren car tester--"

"I don't test f1 cars, though." I interrupted.

"Right." Lando nodded. Folding my arms across my chest I smiled up at him.

"How many push-ups can you do?" I asked.

"100?" Lando replied sceptically. I cackled, "What?" he asked.

"I can do a hundred as well." I told him, grinning. Lando sighed again (though he looked at me, respectful, in a way).

"We'll test that." Lando informed me, also crossing his arms. I looked at the camera.

"He's a bit arrogant, isn't he?" I told the camera. Lando snorted and shook his head. I laughed again as we approached the elevator. "Why don't we take the stairs instead?"

"Race you." Lando said, sounding overconfident, as he pushed open the door to the stairwell.

"No, your poor cameraman." I ran after him, running down the stairs, using the handrail to swing around to the next flight. I caught up to Lando pretty quickly, running alongside him to get to the bottom of the stairs. His cameraman made his way slowly down the stairs after Lando.

"P1." I stated smiling, raising my hands, my bag had hung on and was still over my shoulder. It slipped to my wrist, though, when Lando's arms circled my waist and lifted me over his shoulder. I squealed slightly, my hands fisting in the back of his shirt. I felt Lando's forearm securing me to him around the bare skin of the back of my thighs (I was wearing shorts). Lando carried me to the gym, setting me down at the cubbies, my hands came to rest on his shoulders as he did it. I quickly dropped my hands, furrowing my brow and glaring up at Lando. I saw (and heard) Ash (Lando's cameraman) laughing.

Turning I put my things away, taking off my hoodie. I started warming up my muscles. I saw that there was a dusting of pink along Lando's cheekbone, he started to warm up too. I pulled out my headphones and started to play a playlist. Through the music I could hear people (probably guys) wolf whistling at me and trying to talk to me. Whenever they approached, I'd either shake my head or, flip them off. At one point a guy was telling his friends that I was fit, going on and on about getting me in bed. I heard Lando say;

"Fuck off, she'd never sleep with you." the guy replied with,

"Oh, really." So original.

"Yeah really." Lando told him, getting in his face, I just continued my exercises bored with the toxic masculinity going on.  

It Started With His Number -- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now