Part 26

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"So do you golf?" Lando asked, rubbing the back of his neck as we walked into the kitchen. "Oh. Um. Are you hungry?" he rushed out before I could answer his first question.

"Uh, yeah, I am hungry." I respond to the latter question.

"What do you want?" he asked, moving to the fridge and opening it. After a pause I ask,

"Do you have yogurt, granola, chocolate and honey?" Lando looked at me questioningly before getting all those ingredients and setting them in front of me. I get up and pulled a bowl from the shelf, pouring the yogurt and some of the granola into it. I then get a knife and a cutting board, cutting the chocolate into small pieces and dumping them into the bowl too. Adding some honey to it. Getting a spoon and offering it to Lando, I shoved the bowl towards him. "Try it." I said, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. Lando picked up the spoon, looked at me sceptically and tried it. He was silent for a moment.

"Why is everything you make so good?" he asked, having another spoonful. I raised my arms in the air and whooped.

"I'm just too good." I reply, laughing. I made myself some and sat down at the table. Lando sat down across from me.

"You didn't answer my first question." Lando says, looking up at me as he ate.

"Right, I can play golf, I just, don't, usually." I tell him, looking down at my food and feeling the need to explain. "It was one of the many things my dad made me do when we had money. Dance classes, golfing, horse riding, hockey, I mean ice hockey, that's what you call it here. Classic rich people things."

"What kind of dance classes?" Lando asks, looking slightly intrigued.

"Ballroom, classic partner dance. He said that I would need it eventually." I admitted, "I guess he didn't know we need all our extra money for his treatment." smiling sadly.

"Um, I uh, wanted to ask you something." Lando told me, playing with his spoon.

"Okay, shoot." I replied, looking at him.

"How do you have all this fancy stuff? When you say that you don't really have enough money?" Lando asks, holding onto his spoon like it was his lifeline.

"Oh, that one's easy. My dad got all the stuff for me, the house, the McLaren, all that stuff and, in his will, he said that when I turned 20, I would get all of it. He died when I was 15." I tell him slowly.

"I'm sorry." Lando responds, looking at me.

"Don't worry about it."

"How did he die?" Lando asks quietly.

"Cancer." I tell him, finishing my yogurt. There is a silence for a minute whilst Lando processes what I had said.

"Do you want the shower first?" Lando asks, trying to break through the awkwardness (I think, at least).

"Sure!" I reply. I get up and put my dishes away, running back to the guest bedroom to get a change of clothes. As I stood under the hot spray of water, I couldn't help but think of Lando, the way he talks. The way he laughs, the way he cares. I let my brain do something that I don't usually let it, think about Lando in a way that is super weird, but nobody can see into my brain, so.

When I had gotten out of the shower and dried my hair, changed into my clothes and brushed my teeth, I left the bathroom and searched the apartment for Lando. Finding him in the gaming room, staring at his old helmets.

"Hey." I greet quietly, Lando turns around at the sound of my voice and smiles at me.


"The shower's free." I tell him, moving my hair out of my eyes.

"Okay, thanks." he replies, staring back at the helmets.

"They're very... Interesting." I say, leaning against the door frame.

"Interesting?" Lando repeated, chuckling.

"Yeah. The first time I saw them, I was puzzled, I have to admit. But I started to like them, until I loved them." I explain to him, letting my eyes drift over them. Lando chuckled again and turned around, I stepped back so he could pass to go have a shower. I pull out my phone to text Anna; Lando's place is unusually clean.

Really? He probs has cleaners.

Oh, definitely

Just say defo, it's easier.



I refuse

Have you and Lando talked about your dad yet?

Literally just a few mins ago.

How did he take it?

Don't know

Hmm, well, I think that this week there will be some improvements with your relationship.

You just want us together

So do you. Also, I don't want you to be lonely. I send her back the middle finger emoji.

How is it with Carlos?



Fab! First performance is in two days.

I wish I could be there.

So do I.

Will Carlos be there?

Yeah. I smile and say goodbye as I hear the shower shut off. Lando comes out a few minutes later.

**1k reads? You guys are amazing! THANK YOU!! Happy first day of Christmas break everyone! Love you all. Stay well!**

It Started With His Number -- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now