Before I can say thank you he is gone so I turn to talk with Harper who I find is watching me like a hawk. "So you and your dad weren't gone very long. What did you bring back?"

"We got peas, and cutches."

Cutches? ... Cutches? "Oh, you brought crutches?" She shakes her head. "I wonder why your daddy has those?"

"Because I fell a few years ago on stage and hurt my knee. I am surprised 'Miss I read magazines about country music stars' doesn't remember that?" He gives me the most adorable smirk.

"I am sure if you had given me some more time I would have remembered." We both laugh.

"Harper, do you want to help lift Liddy's leg so I can place these pillows under her ankle?"

She says, yes. Then starts to put her hands under my calf. I help her by lifting my left leg, but make sure to let her think she did it all by herself. Then Hunter places several pillows from the couch, under my calf and ankle. Once he is satisfied with their position he gently places a bag of peas over my swollen ankle, that's now starting to turn a lovely shade of purple.

"You know Mr. Hayes, if you weren't a musician you'd make a great doctor." That makes him chuckle.

"Oh really, you think so?"

"I do. You have a gentle touch and a great bedside manner." I can't help but giggle. I'm making him blush, which is exactly what I was hoping to do.

"Well, Miss Deans, there is only one problem with your choice for my alternate career." I give him a questioning look. "I hate blood, I am a germaphobe and I practically pass out when I see a needle."

I am shocked. My mouth falls open. "You're afraid of blood and needles?"


"How did you make it through Harper's birth then?" Once I asked, I wanted to take it back. I know it's too personal of a question and he won't answer it.

"Actually, I did very well." He laughs. "I was too excited and the pain from Renee squeezing my hand so hard, kept me from getting light headed and passing out."

I giggle. What a cute story. I can't believe he answered me. Maybe he's starting to trust me.

"Dada, I'm hungry."

"You are? So am I. Why don't you help me re -heat the Chinese food we brought with us earlier then we can share it with Liddy."

"You brought Chinese food? " I ask. He can tell I 'm surprised by the look on my face.

"Yes, we did. That's why we came over. We were bringing you dinner. I figured you would be hungry. I wasn't sure if you had any food in the apartment."

"Aw, thank you so much! That was so sweet of you."

He smiles that amazing smile then picks Harper up. "We'll be right back. Stay put and I mean it this time." He attempts to give me a stern look but fails because he starts laughing. He ends up just flashing me that cute side smile of his. Then he helps Harper off my bed and they head towards my kitchen.

Hunter's POV

I realize I have no idea where Liddy keeps any of her dishes. It will be just as easy for Harper and I to run back to my place. I can heat up the food and grab a few more things I think she could use. "Come on punkin, I changed my mind. We are going back to our house. I need to get a tray and a few other things for Liddy. "Hop on." I then kneel down so she can climb on my back.

"Yay! Piggy back."

As we walk to the door that connects to my house, I stop by Liddy's bedroom. "There's been a change in plans. I need a few more things at my place. We'll be right back."

"Oh, ok. Please don't go to any trouble. I feel terrible. You don't have to wait on me. I will be fine."

"It's no trouble. Harper and I are having fun being nurses. Aren't we, punkin?" I turn my head to look back at her.


"Okay, we'll be back as quick as we can and we'll bring food. I promise." I flash her a smile and then head through the connecting door to my house.

Once we are in my kitchen I pull out several microwave safe bowls and plates and start putting the cold Chinese food in them. I place a bowl of pork fried rice in the in microwave, set the time and hit start. I then trot off to find a tray, my Ipad, headphones, a booster seat for Harper and a large gym bag.

As I'm reheating the food, I can't help but think about how amazing it felt holding Liddy in my arms as I carried her to her room. Her body fit perfectly against mine. I could feel her breath on my neck and it drove me crazy. When she pulled herself closer against my chest, I nearly lost it. It took every ounce of strength I had to not push her against the nearest wall and crashed my lips on hers. Remembering that Harper was in the room was the only way I managed to stay composed.

I honestly would still be holding Liddy right now, if I could think of an excuse to. I know I should avoid being near her because things are so complicated. She has a boyfriend and she's Harper's nanny, but I can't seem to stay away. I am so drawn to her and the more I am around her the stronger the pull is. I literally can't help myself. I know we haven't known each other that long but it doesn't feel like it when I am around her. Lord, help me. I have no idea what I am going to do.

After everything is heated, I fill a sippy cup up with juice for Harper then I place it and all the Chinese food on the largest tray I own. All the other items go in my gym bag. " Okay, Harps. I think we're set. Let's go." I pull the gym bag over my shoulder and pick up the tray being careful not to spill anything. I then follow Harper back upstairs to Liddy's place.

"Knock knock.." I call from the doorway into Liddy's apartment.

"Come in." I hear her shout from her bedroom.

As soon as Harps hears Liddy's voice she runs off. Leaving me to close the door. As I approach the opening to Lid's bedroom I can hear Harps giggling. She somehow managed to wiggle herself onto the bed and now Liddy is tickling her. I have to pause for a second and just enjoy the moment. Seeing my daughter so happy fills my heart with joy. I've never seen her this comfortable with any other woman, except for my mom. Renee doesn't allow herself to just be silly with Harper.

I blink back a few happy tears and head to the kitchen. I put out plates and all the containers of Chinese food. I find 2 bottles of water in the refrigerator for Liddy and I to drink and set Harper's sippy cup next to her plate. I reach into my bag and grab Harper's booster seat and place it on a bar stool. Once I know everything is just perfect I go back to the bedroom to get them.

"Dinner is served ladies." Once Harper sees me she starts jumping on the bed. I quickly grab her before she falls on Liddy's ankle. As I turn to set Harps on the floor, Liddy scoots to the edge of the bed. I can tell she plans to grab the crutches. For half a second I consider letting her use them, but I can't. I just can't give up another chance to hold her again. So I scoop her up and carry her to the kitchen.

Once we are near the bar stools, I drop my left arm allowing her to place her feet on the floor. I hold her around the waist until I know she's steady. When I do that my right hand accidently slips under her shirt. I can feel her warm bare skin on her lower back. I automatically look down at Liddy. I see her lick her lips. I can't catch my breath. As our eyes meet I'm immediately drawn in. I feel such an intense connection with her. I wonder if she can tell, at this moment, that I need to kiss her more than I need to breathe? Lord, help me!


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Has anyone else lost the ability to make words "BOLD " or us "Italics" on Wattpad? It's been this way for the 2 or 3 chapters I have published. I now write my story on Word and then copy and past to Wattpad. It works, but it's a pain.

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