Chapter 36: Get in and Grab [3/4]

Start from the beginning

President Zelenskyy: "We'll just have to see if the Moskva was a fluke or the norm." he said, "Either way, the Russian Navy has no Kansen and any Kansen they may be friendly with are currently in our Navy. I doubt they can deal with the Kansen the Americans have assigned." 

Olena Zelenska: "You have been teasing us of his name for nearly a week now, what is his name?" she asked. 

The President smirked, going back to his newspaper. 

President Zelenskyy: "I'll tell you when he gets here." he chuckled. 

Sighing in frustration, Olena goes back to her own breakfast.

Mediterranean Sea, Bosporus Strait Entrance

2300 hours

In the middle of the night with a slight fog in the air, Andy slipped right into the line of ships awaiting clearance into the Bosporus Strait. He had his lights and his transponder off, his engine revving low, his prop not spinning, and parked the Irwin right next to a massive tanker ship.

Blue: "Are you sure they won't find us here?" she asked, "This could be the very first place they start looking." 

Andy: "I doubt it Blue, we just need to wait for all of them to pass by, and if that doesn't go to plan, we launch the bait." he said. 

Observer A: 'I still have some very heavy doubts on if this will work at all.' she complained. 

Steve Irwin: 'Well, you can brag about it to us if it doesn't and when we win in a fight against these guys.' she shrugged, cockily. 

Observer A: 'While I don't like your odds in this bet,' she deadpanned, before smirking a little as she continued, 'I do agree that we would be able to clobber this fleet.' 

Andy: "Alright, here they come." he said, noting the blips on the RADAR. 

As if on cue, a Russian Corvette emerged from the Strait and began making its way into the Mediterranean. It was soon followed by Frigates and Destroyers before the only modern Battlecruiser in the world slowly steamed out of the strait, followed by the most inefficient and unreliable Aircraft Carrier in the world. All of them had their lights on to see in the dark and came to a halt to inspect the freighters and tankers. 

Some Russian Marines aboard row boats slowly began making their way through the formation, deciding now was as good a time as any, Andy started his engines. 

With the Russian Fleet, they were looking through the fleet of freighters when a blip appeared on their RADAR's, it was the transponder of the Irwin, shouting a few cusses the Marines retreated to their motherships which launched a few missiles before giving chase. 

The chase dragged on for several miles, the Russians launching everything they had at what they thought was the Steve Irwin everything from P-900's to Brahmos II's to even the P-700's. But everything missed, misfired, went off course, was inert, or in one unlucky case launched....but didn't have the fuel to do anything other than that and crashed into the bridge of the ship which fired it, killing all officers. The Kuznetsov's airwing also could launch because none of the pilots were trained to fly at night.

Russian Admiral 3: "Обновление статуса!" he demanded from the bridge of the Pyotr Velikiy.

Russian Commander: "Нам сообщают о дружественном огне, сэр!" he reported, "Флот применил почти все виды оружия, и ни одно из них не поразило цель.." 

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