[6] CASE: Family issues

Start from the beginning

He stayed quiet for a while and I took it as a sigh that he won't tell me anything but when I wanted to get out of his grip, he squeezed me even tighter.

"My parents... they left me... I was alone and scared... I felt unwanted for some time..." He was having such a hard time of getting it out of his mouth that I released my guard and turned to him when his hands let go of me.

"It's enough, you are not used to talking about your past, it's enough." He looked at me with tears in his eyes and hugged me even tighter. I hugged him back to tell him I'm not going anywhere...

"I'm so sorry... I just... I don't know what to do." He stopped using just his head and I felt much better knowing about his true feelings.

"That's because you don't have enough sleep. Let me sleep with you this time. I assure you that I'm better than that sleeping pillow." He smiled and nodded. To be honest... I didn't want to leave, I really didn't but I thought Akk needs more time to resolve his feelings and that it's hard for him with me by his side.

In his bed he was way too stiff and didn't look relaxed at all. He was lying on the bed like a statue made of stone. I sighed.

"Why are you laying as if you've let a serial killer into your house?"

"I let a thief stay in my house, it's not so different..." Hah, he doesn't make differences among criminals as I see.

Anyways, I lain down next to him and moved a little closer to him. He moved too but when he was at the edge of the bed, he couldn't escape me if he didn't want to fall down.

"Am I that scary?" I smirked and he turned his back at me to not look into my face.

"Showing your ass at me like this, isn't it dangerous?"

"Can't you just shut up and sleep?" I almost laughed at how frustrated I made him.

"And who was the one crying for me to stay? If you don't want to go, you have to bear with my smart mouth." He chuckled and then pretended to sleep but I decided to let him be for tonight. He needs as much rest as he can have.

The next morning my hand kept looking for the muscular body but instead found just a body pillow on the bed. That guy didn't even wake me up when he was getting away from my embrace!

But after hearing him crying when he was having a nightmare, I understand that he prefers to be alone... I had several nightmares as a child. Because I was born without parents and Uncle was the only one taking care of me, I feared that he'd leave me one day and I'd have no one.

Akk was crying about not helping someone and kept repeating that he's a bad person... a coward... not good enough... doesn't he see all his achievements? Those freaking golden awards he got for solving difficult cases? I wonder what made him lack his confidence so much but I have to stay patient...

I noticed that he even left me some money in the kitchen... a lot of money.

"Buy ingredients for Pad Thai with this and also a wine... you can also buy cigarettes if you need it. And don't forget to buy something nice to dress. I won't let you borrow my clothes forever." Such a simple not with orders but it still warmed my heart. Cigarettes... I usually bought one pack for whole month and smoked just when I really needed it because I can't afford to buy them more often... do I need them now? He left me a lot of money so instead I could buy something for my siblings again.

Just when I thought about them, someone rang the bell on the door. I gulped... what if it's one of Akk's friend? They must know my face already...

Luckily, Akk had a peephole in the door and I could see it was Aki with his teacher. Fuck, what can it be about? And why does she look so angry?

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