Chapter 14 ✨

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Isabella's pov

I hummed along with a song playing on the headphones that I was wearing.
So I'm in the car with Mr Lucas driving and Dad was beside me
We were going to my school but I had no idea why

So I'm in the car with Mr Lucas driving and Dad was beside meWe were going to my school but I had no idea why

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Dad got out of the car once Mr Lucas stopped in front of my school with me following him. Dad started walking at my pace knowing that if he walks at his normal speed I would be sprinting.
But that would be good exercise

We entered another car waiting at the front of the school and it drove us to a building I had never seen before
"Dad?" I said and he hummed while getting out of the car
"How did this building get here?"

Dad shook his head letting out a small laugh
"It didn't get here Isa. People built it here" He said while talking to me like I was a small child

I rolled my eyes
"I know that Dad but how come I've never seen it before?"
"Because you've never been here  before" Dad said answering my question and I thought about it
"Oh yeah" I said under my breath thinking Dad won't hear it... But of course he did

"Hmm yeah" He adjusted his suit while walking towards the building and I stayed rooted in my place watching him
"Come on Isa, Cassie's waiting for you" Dad called over his shoulder and I ran after him

We entered the building and the first thing that I saw was.......
a hallway?
I mean that's normal considering its a school.
What else was I supposed to see, a slide?
I literally mentally rolled my eyes at myself

We got to the elevator and went up to the 2nd floor. The doors opened and I stared at another hallway
It's a freaking school child!
I know that jeez
We entered the first room on the left

 The doors opened and I stared at another hallwayIt's a freaking school child!I know that jeezWe entered the first room on the left

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Finally I'm staring at a room and not a hallway.
"Stephano!!" Uncles Ales exclaimed coming out of nowhere. They exchanged their greetings before Uncle Ales turned to me
"Hey Isabella" He said while ruffling my hair

"Iz is here?" Cassie asked popping out from under a table
What the heck was she doing under there
Her eyes finally found me and she jumped
"IZ!" She hugged me like her life depended on it. I let out a nervous laugh
"We saw each other two days ago Cassie" I said making her to hold my shoulders so she can be face to face with me

"Yeah two days which is technically 48 hours which is technically 2880minutes which is technically 172800 seconds which is technically 172800000 milliseconds which is technically 172800000000 microseconds which technically a LONGGGG time" She said while shaking me  with her hands that were on my shoulders
"Say what now?" Matteo and I said as he magically appeared out of nowhere

"Yeah she stayed up late memorising that" Dante stated also appearing out if nowhere next to Matteo
"What no I didn't" Cassie said while waving her hands around frantically. I'm pretty sure everyone was giving her the 'really' look

"Anyways we're gonna be in this class Iz" Cassie said quickly changing the subject
Smart move
"For what?" I asked confused. I turned to Dad before turning backed to Cassie
"You're gonna learn how to hack" Dad said looking down at me
Again I say
"Say what now?"
"Yup, isn't it exciting?" Cassie said while jumping a little

I slowly turned to face Dad and took his hands all the while being silent. Some seconds passed by, I took a deep breath before looking up at Dad and...
"So you mean I'm gonna learn how to hack like all those cool people that know how to hack? Eeekkk" I said taking a timeout to squeal before continuing
"I could learn how to override a database or how to insert a virus into a database or how to secretly enter a database"
Just then Cassie gasped loudly
"OR HOW TO GET SENSITIVE GOVERNMENT INFORMATION AMD USE IT TO BLACKMAIL THEM EEKKK!!" Cassie and I squealed loudly holding hands while jumping up and down

Third person's pov

"Sir should we be worried?" Matteo asked Stephano and Alessandro making them to shake their head chuckling
"No they're good" They both said  looking at their daughters with smiles on their faces.
Just then, the girls stopped jumping abruptly
"When do we start?" Cassie and Isa asked looking at their Dads
"On Monday" Stephano answered making them continue their squealing

A few minutes later,
Isabella's pov

After Cassie and I finished our session, Dad and Uncle Ales took us towards the elevator
"Are we going back home already?" Cassie asked tilting her head towards Uncle Ales
"No not yet" Uncle Ales said answering her question. The elevator doors opened and we all stepped inside. Btw Dante and Matteo were still with us and the elevator had more than enough room for all of us

Dad pushed the buttons for the ground floor and the first floor at the same time and then the panel for the buttons opened up to reveal a new set of buttons ranging from 2 to -2. I looked towards Dad confused
"Hold on to something" Dad said making everyone else turn to him confused

Dad pushed the -1 button making the elevator to start going down with a jolt. I quickly grabbed Dad's hand as everyone else held onto the railing that was in the elevator. The doors opened as soon as it stopped

And the first thing I saw was...
A gun?

{It kinda looked like this but bigger and with plenty more targets to shoot at and tables for the guns}

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{It kinda looked like this but bigger and with plenty more targets to shoot at and tables for the guns}

There were 9 metal tables against the wall that had the elevator.
The first three tables were filled with fake guns that had red paint in them. The second three tables had all those small guns that were real (the one in the picture) and then the last three were filled with all those long guns

"Woah" Cassie, Dante, Matteo and I exclaimed
"Welcome to the shooting range"
Uncle Ales said. We started wondering around the room. Cassie accidentally knocked down a gun but I picked it up quickly and put it back on its table. I turned towards Dad and Uncle Ales to see if they saw that but I saw them looking in another direction so I grabbed Cassie's hand and pulled her towards Dante and Matteo who were at the targets

"It's neat" Dante said and Matteo hummed in agreement
"Come on kids there's still two more floors to show you" Dad said and we all made our way back towards him and Uncle Ales


Heyyy people. I'm back for the holidays and ready to write. Pls be expecting 2-3 chapters each week if possible.
Thank you soo much for your support. Pls vote and comment on your thoughts.

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