Chapter 2✨

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In the last chapter, Isa got adopted by Mr Rodriguez so we're gonna see what happens next. Enjoy.


Stephano Rodriguez was known to be a man that never showed emotions but when he set his eyes on Isabella, his stone cold heart began to melt. He doesn't know why she won't talk but he sure knows that he will protect her with his life.

They were on the private jet right now with Isa reading one of her new books while listening to music on the earbuds he forced her to take from an iPad that was also reluctantly taken. He was taking some calls and working on his computer. This continued for another hour until Stephano caught sight of Isa

She was trying to stay awake all the while failing miserably. She finally gave in to sleep and then the book she was reading fell on the floor. Stephano shook his head chuckling. He picked up the book from the floor and then adjusted the seat to become a bed so that she'll be comfortable. He also caught sight of her shivering a little so he put his coat over her. She tensed a little bit before snuggling into it.

Another hour later,

The plane had just landed but Isabella was still asleep. So after Stephano moved all his and Isa's electronics into the car already waiting for them, he made his way back to Isabella. In the process of picking her up, she flinched but relaxed once he'd adjusted her with her head snuggling into his neck. He made sure the coat was still wrapped around her before stepping out of the jet to be met with the cold air making Isa snuggle into him more even though the coat that was wrapped around her.

The car ride was mostly silent. Stephano put Isa in a way so that her head would be lying on his lap while the rest of her body will be spread over the car seats. It also left one of his laps free so that he can work on his computer.

Stephano shut his computer when he felt Isa shifting a little before she slowly sat up, looking at her surroundings in confusion before her eyes settled on me. She twisted her hair between her fingers once again avoiding eye contact and here Stephano thought he was getting somewhere

"Hey, was your sleep good" Stephano asked and got a shy nod in return
"Okay then. We're gonna pass an eatery soon. So are you hungry?" And to that Isa shook her head denying it but her stomach didn't quite agree with her with the loud growl that emitted from it making her blush  from embarrassment
"Of course and I so believe you" Stephano said with his voice dripping with sarcasm and Isa bit her lower lip while looking everywhere but his eyes

"I'm getting you something okay?" He said in a way that left no room for argument so Isa sighed and nodded
Stephano got Isa some fries, chicken nuggets and a strawberry smoothie. Isa also made sure that Stephano ate some too after realising that he didn't get something for himself but she couldn't have finished it either way

Isabella's pov

I found myself in a car with my head laid on Mr Rodriguez lap. I sat up confused as to how I got here. A small chat with some fries and nuggets later.
'Can I ask a question?" I wrote in notebook before tapping Mr Rodriguez gently and showing it to him
"Of course you can" When he said that I scribbled my question in my notebook
'What can I call you sir?' Cause Mr Rodriguez is a mouthful and I'm not even sure I knew how to spell it

I showed it to him and he just just chuckled. He seemed to be doing that a lot
"Okay, Isabella you can call me Stephano or dad if you feel comfortable but don't me sir, okay?" He said amused and I nodded
"Okay then what do I call you?" He asked and I bit my lower lip in thought before I wrote on
'Isa' And showed it to him with a smile
"Good to know cause we're here" He said while getting out of the car and holding the door open for me

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