Chapter 1✨

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Welcome to the first ever chapter of "Adopted by my Dad!?" duh duh duhhhhhhh!! Okay I'll stop now. Hope you enjoy.


Isabella's pov

"Isabella, wake up honey" A soft voice called out to me in my sleep and I slowly opened my eyes to see Miss Anna crouched down beside my bed. I sat up slowly to reach for my notebook on the side table and a scribbled a 'good morning' on it.
I turned it over for Miss Anna to see
"Good morning to you too. Did you sleep well?" She asked and I responded with a thumb up
"Good. I'll see you downstairs in an hour okay?" I nodded to that one causing her to sigh.

Then she got up, gave me one last smile and left the room. I sighed once she left the room but don't get me wrong, I like Miss Anna but I prefer being alone. I got up from my bed then went to the corner of the room to start my stretch routine

15minutes later,

Once I'm done with my stretch routine, I head over to the bathroom to obviously have a bath. What else would I do in there? Anyways after my bath I got into some comfy clothes and then packed my hair into a ponytail

 What else would I do in there? Anyways after my bath I got into some comfy clothes and then packed my hair into a ponytail

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I have 20 minutes left before I go downstairs, so I might as well read one of my books. I picked up a small book that I could finish in like 10 minutes and started reading. I finished the book in 15minutes and then made my way downstairs.

I entered the kitchen to find Miss Anna. I took my food and went back the way I came which was back to the room I was staying. I don't have roommates likes the other kids cause I like my space and for other reasons.

I finished my food and then made my way downstairs to wash my plate. On my way back to the kitchen, I caught sight of Miss Anna talking to a man but I could only see his back. I shrugged then continued my way  to the kitchen. After I was done washing my plate, I obviously made my way back to my room but I didn't see Miss Anna and that mysterious man again so he must have left already.

Now back in my room, I picked up another book cause like why not. It's not like I have any other thing to do and I'm most certainly not going to the other kids here so I settled for reading. Hooray whatever.
I changed my position to the floor against the wall. I was obviously still reading my book when Miss Anna came in
"Come on Isabella, pack your bags"
I looked at her confused as to why she was currently trying to pack my books. Keyword: trying

"Hurry up dear, you're getting adopted"
Well that was a shocker but I stood up to assist in the packing of my clothes. Maybe I could look for Micheal if the person that adopts me likes me that is
Anyways it didn't really take long to pack up my clothes which consisted of 5 hoodies, 10 t-shirts, 4 leggings, 2 jeans, other stuff and the sweatshirt I was wearing. I took 5 of my bulky books with my notebook that I write into in my hands and then followed Miss Anna, who was carrying the backpack that obviously contained my stuff.

We reached Miss Anna's office and I caught sight of a man sitting on the sofa talking on his phone. From where I was standing I could hear his deep voice. And when I say deep I mean very, very, VERY DEEP. When he noticed that we were in the room, he dismissed the call

"Mr Rodriguez, this is Isabella" Miss Anna introduced cause I obviously wouldn't do it myself and even if I could I still wouldn't do it
The man now known as Mr Rodriguez, stood up and jeez le weez he was a giant. And here I was thinking I was of average height. It's nice to know I've been lying to myself for half of my life. Absolutely peachy. Please note my sarcasm

Mr Rodriguez got on one knee to reach my level but he was still towering over me. He looked like he was studying my face but I was busy looking at the floor. I never knew the floor could be so interesting but now I know. I heard Miss Anna and him talking so I taught he had taken his gaze off me.

I looked up to see his grey eyes piercing through me
Oopsie dopsie
I went back to looking at the very interesting floor then I heard a very very silent chuckle if that's even possible
"I'll take good care of her, don't worry" Mr Rodriguez said finally standing up
"I have no need to worry sir, I know you will" Miss Anna said smiling down at me. Mr Rodriguez extended his hand towards me to take. I looked at Miss Anna, who nodded and then I took his hand. As we walked out of the room, I waved Miss Anna goodbye

Once we entered his car, I noticed that the front seat and the back seat was separated by a wall or was that a window, I don't know. I turned to my left to be met with the same grey eyes
Oopsie dopsie 2.0
I focused on my my hands this time since there was no floor to be interested in. I started fidgeting with my hands when a humongous hand covered mine. Are my hands really that tiny?

I looked into Mr Rodriguez eyes again but this time I didn't look away. He had a small smile on his face if that was even doable but somehow a smile was on his face
"We're going to get you a few things before we go to the airport, okay?" Mr Rodriguez said and I just nodded averting my gaze back to my hands

"What would you like to get?" He asked me and I shook my head
' I don't want anything '
I wrote in my notebook and showed it to him
"Well, we can't have that so I'm getting you something whether you like it or not. So I heard you like reading?" Mr Rodriguez asked and I nodded shyly while he just chuckled
"Okay then, we're getting you new books and there's no room for argument" if you guys are wondering, he added the last part when he saw me scribbling in my notebook and I sighed defeated


Here's the first chapter 🥳🥳🤞. So what did you guys think about this chapter.

How do you like Mr Rodriguez?

Do you think Isabella will ever open up to him?

Will she ever speak again?

Keep reading to find out!!

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