Chapter 21✨

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Sooo sorry for the long wait🙂🤲. But here's the next chapter. Enjoyyyyyy!


Third person's pov

The lady smirked at the kids seated in front of her
"You guys will be taking an IQ test" She set the stack of papers on the table before picking up some microchips that were also on the table
"Before I forget, my name is Agent T. And as I said you guys will be taking an IQ test just to test your brain capacity and how well you analyze and figure out a solution in a situation"

Agent T started to walk between the tables containing the kids/teenagers while  dropping the microchips on the table and also taking the time to look at the kids faces
"Most of these are trick questions but we have to test how and what you would do in a real situation like that so be careful when you answer because the wrong answer may be the right one"
By then Agent T was in front of the room again, while facing them

"To start the test, simply press the surface of the microchip that has been put on your tables. You have 15minutes to  answer 30 questions so be quick and if you feel confident in yourself and in your answers you can submit early but if you fail to submit within the appointed time it shall be automatically submitted...
With all being said you can start now"

Agent T took a pause(aka those...) to look at the students, who all looked at her while supposedly grasping onto every word she said making her to smirk slightly
Once the students pressed the the microchips, a digital holographic screen came up showing the first question and also showing the time they have left

Agent T propped herself into the table still facing the students. Some of the students seemed to be in deep thoughts while others looked like they knew what they were doing. She picked up one of the papers that she set on the table previously and started going through it while keeping her eyes on the students at the same time

(A/n: I have no idea what to call the contestants yet🙂. So they will be addressed as students, kids or them😂💔.

Isabella's pov

I finished my test in 7minutes and 30seconds. I looked around to see some done too while others were either still writing or checking their work and I decided to do the latter.
I finished checking my work for the fourth time heaving out a quiet sigh

My eyes caught sight of the time which remained 1min and 45secs left so I decided to submit. I muttered a short prayer cause why not before pressing the submit button.
The digital holographic screen went back into the microchip signifying the end of my exam

"Time's up kids" Agent T said jumping off the table. She walked in between the tables while picking up the chips just like the way she dropped them
"Quietly make your way out of the room" Agent T said while arranging the papers scattered on the desk

No one made a move to stand for a few seconds until a boy just stood up and walked out followed by the others. As I was leaving, I could feel Agent T's lingering gaze following me until I was out
Well that was weird
Tell me about it
I mentally rolled my eyes before I followed the arrows again to the first room that Dad left me in

Cassie was already in the room considering her group finished before mine and as always she saw me before I saw her, waving me over too where she sitting which was near the left corner of the room
"Hi Iz!" Cassie said with the usual tone in her voice but it sounded off
"Hey Cass. Are you okay?" I said  sitting next to her against the wall

"Yeah. Did you take an IQ test too?" I hummed turning towards her. She had her hair covering her face like a curtain from my angle
"I don't think I'll get a good score" She paused sniff a bit and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder
"You will get a good score, okay?"
"But I'm not smart like you"
"Who said I was smart?" I turned her to face me

"Cassie you're plenty smart and just me being modest for you cause like I'm such a great bestfriend right? Right! I mean you literally memorised the minutes, seconds, milliseconds of how long we were apart and all those other stuff in one night and that's pretty cool if you ask me
And you're the best bestfriend anyone could for. You were literally the first person that I talked to right after my dad that was just you being you. So don't go telling me that you ain't smart cause I'm having no-" I was cut off by Cassie hugging me tight

"Talking is my thing okay?" She said while giggling
We smiled at each other before we started giggling again
"Okay serious business now" Cassie stated with a serious tone
"I'm listening"
"We need a bestie handshake"
"That's very serious business right there"
"Exactly!! I'm soo glad we're on the right track right now"

I chuckled shaking my head at this child
"Are you shaking your head at me?" Cassie asked in an accusing tone
"What! Never" I bit my lower lip to keep my smile from breaking out
"I smell sarcasm" She said in a sing-song voice that made me laugh a little
"Okay sorry sorry"

"Quietly put your wristbands into the metal box near the door. You have 4minutes to do so" A voice coming from the speaker that were supposedly somewhere said
Cassie and I put our wristbands in when there weren't much people around the box before returning back to our previous spot

"Now" Cassie started turning towards me
"Back to the handshake" I just smiled physically while I groaned mentally


Exams are finally done🥳🤲. I'm free for Easter break and that's about two weeks of freedom. So I'll try and post as much as I can.

Pls vote and comment.
Thanks for reading my story. Have a good day/night


Adopted By My Dad!??Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora