Chapter 7✨

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Hey guys and gals. I'm back with Chapter 7 of Looking for Nothing. There's not really much to say so enjoy!!


Isabella's pov

I was in my room getting ready to go to the school where I would do gymnastics and other stuff. Dad helped me to fill an online form as soon as I woke up

Flashback to when I woke up,

I sat up yawning and I immediately saw dad on his computer looking at something
"Good morning Isa" Dad said and I hugged him being careful of his computer and then I  started feeling sleepy
"Nope, don't sleep back" Dad said while chuckling and gently nudged me awake

"We need to fill this form together" He said and I raised an eyebrow
"The form for TCSC" I was still confused
"Training for Combat and Sports Center" Still not understanding what he's saying
Dad rolled his eyes very dramatically by the way
"The school for gymnastics and other stuff"

Then realization dawned on my face
Oh yeah
"Yeah, that took you forever" Dad said and I gave him a glare to which he laughed at
How rude
"Okay enough pouting and let's fill this form" He said before setting the laptop in front of us
"Okay name Isabella Rodriguez, easy..." Dad started muttering as he filled in the form
"Age 9... blah blah blah" That's what I heard for the remaining time spent until
"Okay sports you want to do" Dad said before scrolling down and showing the multiple options

"Woah" I whispered amazed which made dad chuckle and ruffle my hair
"Yes that's alot. So let's tick gymnastics first and then we'll look at the others"
I already knew what I might want to do so when dad was scrolling I just tapped on which sport I wanted to do

I ended up choosing basketball, swimming, karate, taewando, jiu-jitsu, tai-chi, judo, Japanese fighting styles(dad didn't like that one hehehehe), parkour and obviously gymnastics
After dad submitted the form I just realized something
"Dad" I whispered and he hummed in reply
"What's park hour" Dad looked at me like I'd grown three heads before he started laughing

I looked at him confused and waited for him to calm down. When he finally stopped laughing he asked
"What do you think it is?"
"Well, it has park in it but I think they forgot to put the 'h' in, so I think it's the hour we spend at the park"
Once I said that Dad started laughing AGAIN!!!

I scratched my head not knowing what was funny there
"You'll find out when we go there today, so go get ready" Dad said while wiping his eyes
I shrugged and went to my room to get ready

End of flashback

And that's how I ended up here. Anyways after my shower, I wore this🔻🔻🔻

 Anyways after my shower, I wore this🔻🔻🔻

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I absolutely love the jacket. I went downstairs, helped dad with breakfast and ate before we were on our way with Dad's driver driving this time
"Dad won't you tell me what park hour means?" I asked Dad annoyed but he just chuckled
"First of all, it's parkour with no 'h' in it and second, you'll find out so be patient"

I sighed dramatically before flopping back on the car seat. From the corner of my eye, I saw Dad rolling his eyes
"Ya being mean today" I said with my arms crossed and my eyes looking forward not turning to face him
"And you're being adorable today" He said pinching my cheeks and I swatted his hand away to which he laughed about

I stayed like that for most of the ride there. The other time was spent looking out of the window
We finally pulled up at a gigantic building
"Yeah, woah is the accurate expression" Dad said pinching my cheek and I hummed agreeing with him

We entered into the gigantic skyscraper like building. Once we entered, I saw a receptionist's table and the receptionist as typing something on the desktop. She looked up as soon as the automatic doors opened for us and when she saw Dad she practically jumped out of her seat
"Good afternoon sir"
Dad grunted a reply. I looked up at him to see that he had a stone cold look on his face

It was kinda scary. I held his hand and he squeezed my hand letting me know that it's was okay
"Sir, lemme escort you to the manager's office" The receptionist said before leading us to an elevator
We went up so many floors. I got bored counting after we passed the 20th floor

We finally reached the floor that had the manager's office and she lead us there
She held the door open for us and my eyes immediately went to a man who was reading through a file. He looked up from his file once the receptionist left the room and closed the door after Dad and I had entered

"Stephano" The man said while looking at Dad with the same cold look that Dad had on his face sometimes
"Alessandro" Dad said while matching his tone.
They looked like they were having a staring battle and I was in the middle of it

I looked at the both of them and scratched my head while tilting it a little
Then they both chuckled at the same time and did a bro hug while I stood there confused
"Who's the cutie?" Mr Alessandro asked while looking at me
"This is Isabella"
"You didn't" Mr Alessandro exclaimed suddenly
"I did" Dad confirmed while sitting down on the couch

"Hi Isabella. I'm your uncle" Mr Alessandro said and I waved at him managing a smile
"We are not related" Dad said while scrolling through his phone
"Don't listen to him so consider me your uncle okay?" He asked and I nodded letting out a giggle
"Okay sit over there" Uncle Ales said while pointing at the chair in front of the desk. I walked over to the chair and hopped on it
Dad sat on the other one beside me

"Did you receive the form?" Dad asked Uncle Ales, who nodded and picked up a file
"The sports she picked are kind of tricky though" Uncle Ales said while through the file he picked up
"Do you want to change them Isa" Dad asked me and I shook my head no

"Okay then the training kits will be delivered this evening and can she start tomorrow?" Uncle Ales asked Dad which made Dad to look at me and I answered nodding
"Okay then Isabella I'm personally going to give you a tour of the school. How does that sound?" Uncle Ales said enthusiastically and I just nodded with my face having the biggest smile on it


Chapter 7 done and dusted. Next up Chapter 8. What do you think will happen on Isa's first day of school?

Will it go totally awesome or totally wrong?

Keep reading to find out!!!

And also don't forget to vote and comment. It really means alot.
Thank you

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