Chapter 26✨

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School resumed weeks ago so I have been getting my life in check 🙂🤲. Next chapter here 🥳🤲


Isabella's pov


As they say in the wattpad stories I read; I turned my head so fast I'm surprised I didn't get a whiplash
My eyes widened as I took in the sight of Cayden clutching his shoulder tight as blood steeped out from his fingers
"Cayden!!" Asia yelled out shocked while I was still frozen at the sight of his blood

It's just like...
Nope! Don't bring back those bad memories
"Does..does it hurt?" I stuttered worriedly as I kept looking at the blood. My vision going in and out
"Of course not Isabella! Do you think I'm that weak" He said incredulously with faux hurt that was clearly masking his real hurt
"O-of course not"
"Good" He let out a breath before looking at Asia, who returned her focus to the bomb

"Asia you'll deal the bomb while Isabella and I deal with whatever comes"
"Got it!" She nodded her head while looking at us for a split second before she turned back towards the bomb
"Ummm deal with what exactly?" I asked nervously while looking around before turning back towards Cayden

"Something's wrong" He stated completely ignoring my question
Shush this is getting serious
I told myself before I felt something moving towards to me and I moved over to the left. Once I moved a bullet literally planted on the wall that I was standing in front of moments ago. News flash my jaw dropped
"That's what's wrong" Cayden said looking at the bullet on the wall before looking at me
"Nice reflexes by the way"

"They wouldn't shoot" I looked at him confused
"Keep your guard up Isabella"
Ignored again? I just shrugged it off
"How's it going with the bomb Asia?" Cayden asked still looking around alert
"Almost done" Asia answered
"Good" Cayden took a deep breath before he smirked
"Let's do this"

Once he said that people started popping up out of nowhere. It was really cool and some even came from the vents.
Focus Isa!
Some of them had guns while some had weapons and there were about 15 of them
"I don't think this is part of the exam" I said while trying to be discreet in picking one of my knives from my pocket

Once I had one in my grasp, I threw it on the arm of one of people grasping a gun making the person to drop it
And I know what you might be thinking, Isa don't you feel bad and all that but the dudes shot Cayden so I was mad. I threw another knife to the dude beside him before picking up one of Asia guns (that she dropped on the floor) and shooting both of them

 I threw another knife to the dude beside him before picking up one of Asia guns (that she dropped on the floor) and shooting both of them

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(Just incase any of y'all forgot🙂)

And shot one of them on a pressure point that should knock them out but not kill them. I glanced at Cayden at the right time to see someone trying to attack him while he was distracted with fighting about three guys at once
I quickly reached in my pocket for one of knives

As he turned towards me, I threw the knife and he ducked at the last second as the knife embedded itself into the dude's shoulder blade knocking him back.
I flipped over Cayden using his back as a support and I reached the other side where the dude that was trying to attack Cayden was. He started to get up slowly but before he could stand completely I delivered a roundhouse kick to his neck knocking him out.

I turned to Cayden to see him elbow the last guy on the neck and dropping him to the floor before he looked at him
"Good job" He gave me a very very tiny smile but I took it
"Thanks" I said slightly out of breath
"Done!!" We turned towards Asia, who literally just finished disarming the bomb
She looked around the room surprised

"How did you guys take so many people down so fast? It was only about one minute" She exclaimed making Cayden and I to looked at each other shrugging but it was seriously one minute?!!
Felt like 10
"Okay we disarmed the bomb we should be done right?" Once Cayden said that, a voice coming from nowhere exclaimed that we go back to the start of the exam

I wasn't really focusing on anything at the moment but I had a feeling that we were being watched. I let my eyes wonder around the room before they settled on a dark silhouette that pulled the trigger of the gun aimed at Cayden
It happened so fast that I couldn't even move or do anything about it
"Great let's-" He got shot right in his chest

"CAYDEN!!!" Asia and I screamed out but I'm pretty sure I was louder. He dropped into the floor and Asia dropped down right next to him trying to put pressure on the shot to stop blood from flowing out
I looked back to the silhouette of the person that shot him to find him not there
I head snapped towards the door catching the sight of a person running out of it

Ain't no way this dude is escaping after what he just did
You said it girl!
I thought as I ran after the guy
He was trying to lose me by taking sharp turns but it was only slowing him down

'Okay I only got one or two shots of this so I got to get it right' I thought to myself as I raised my hand that had the glove on it
I aimed before I released the bullet but the dude narrowly dodged it as he made a sharp left turn.
I used my hand to steer myself to the turn he made before continuing my pursuit

I pushed my aching legs to go faster as I slowly closed the distance between us. In the rush of things, I shot another bullet from the glove without aiming and everything went in slow motion from there
The bullet flew through the air and once the dude was about to make a turn it landed on the mid-section of his back making him jolt forward hitting his head in the wall in front of him and drop to the ground

"Dad?" I turned back to see dad just enter the hallway(I don't know what to call it) I was in. He looked right before looking left and his eyes landed on me
"Isa!" Dad exclaimed running towards me as I did the same my eyes starting to water
"Daddy!" I yelled out as I ran towards him and jumped with dad effortlessly catching me in a hug

I started sobbing into his shoulder
"It's okay Isa. I'm here" Dad said while running his hand through my hair which usually calmed me down but not today
The memories I buried deep in my mind were resurfacing again.  Each scene was playing back like a video and I started hyperventilating. I saw Connor getting shot the second time. I saw the place I tried so hard to forget. I saw HIM

"Shit! Isa I need you to look at me!" Dad shouted but he sounded far way. I felt my eyes dropping but I tried to fight it
"Isabella don't close your eyes"
The last thing I heard was Dad shouting my name while picking me up before I lost consciousness


I'm sooo sorry this took so long to write 😭💔. School as resumed too so kinda alot going on 🤧🤲. But on the bright side the test has officially finished after using 7 *cough cough* to 10 chapters to write it🙃🤞

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed it. Pls comment your thoughts and ideas. Also pls vote, it really means a lot

Thanks for reading.

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