Chapter 20✨

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Isabella's pov

I walked down the hallway following the purple arrows that was leading me somewhere. I continued walking but stopped when I heard my name being called
I turned to the right side of the hallway that led into another hallway

I squealed before running towards Matteo and jumping into his open arms. He spun me around a few times before setting me down on the floor and kneeling on one knee in front of me
"How did I do?" I asked slowly cause I was nervous about what his answer would be
"How did you do?" He repeated my question pausing a bit to sigh

I lowered my head with my gaze fixed on the floor. I felt Matteo grab my chin gently before raising my head to meet his gaze
"You did great Bella" He said with a soft voice while smiling at me
"I did?" I asked in excitement
"Of course you did! I mean did you even see the way you scaled up that wall?"
"Not really, I mean I was the one taking the exam" I said giggling making him shake his head while chuckling

"Well you did!" Matteo picked me up before he walked into the hallway that had the purple arrows
"Ummm.. Matteo weren't there purple arrows pointing somewhere?" I asked confused
We were probably in the wrong hallway
Or we were probably lost
"I'm taking you to your next exam"

Time skip to exam room entrance,

Matteo put me down when we arrived at a door.
"Good luck Bella" He said giving me a hug
"Thanks Matt" I gave him a smile when he got out of the hug before entering the room

3rd person's pov

Matteo is seen walking towards the VIP viewing room where Stephano, Alessandro and Marcello, Matteo's dad are seated
He knocked on the door, waiting a bit but entering once he heard a come in
Once he entered, he was met with three full grown men ready to attack if the need arises cause all of them literally had their hands on their waistbands (where there guns were located by the way)

"Calm down bossmen it's just me" Matteo said chuckling while putting his arms up in mock surrender. The three men let out a sigh before relaxing simultaneously
Stephano glared at Matteo who just smiled back at him cheekily
"Well since my presence is not needed, I don't have to tell you how Isabella is doing cause I just checked on her"

Matteo said turning around with the intention to walk out of the room. But he stopped when he heard the safety of a gun being pulled
"Take a step out that door and the femur in your right leg will forever be scarred" Stephano said in a calm but deep voice while pointing it directly at Matteo
"That is surprisingly put well into detail" Matteo chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck

Matteo turned to look at his dad for help. But Marcello just shrugged with a smirk on his face while Alessandro was shaking his head with his palm covering his face
"Fine fine I'll tell you jeez" Matteo exclaimed putting his hands up in surrender. Stephano put the safety back on before securing the gun on his waistband

"You could have just asked nicely" Matteo mumbled under his breath loud enough for the men in the room to hear. Stephano massaged his temple which was a clear indication that he was getting frustrated

"Okay, so Bella's fine. She's just nervous about the exams and thinks that she didn't do good in the obstacle course exam. So I reassured her that she did great and calmed her nerves while I took her to the next exam"
Matteo said it out quickly once he heard Stephano's voice

Steph let out an audible sigh of relief as he rubbed his hand down his face
"Thank you" Stephano said while looking straight into Matteo's eyes and that allowed him to catch the enormous amount of shock and enthusiasm when he said thank you

"Did he just say thank you?" Matteo asked Alessandro who just chuckled at him
"Don't make me regret it" Steph grumbled out but Matteo wasn't hearing any of it
"He just said thank you! TO ME! I must be dreaming" Marcello's eyes caught Stephano's hand clenching and unclenching

"Okay Matteo you can go now" Marcello said smiling as Matteo being is overdramatic self put his hand over his heart in faux hurt
"Are you chasing me away?"
Making Marcello roll his eyes

"Just get out Matteo. I don't want to see you die... yet" I don't know if that was supposed to be a whisper but everyone heard it causing Matteo to gasp loudly before stomping out of the room while mumbling things about not being appreciated anymore

Once the door closed behind him, Alessandro was the first one to burst out laughing followed by Marcello and Stephano who just shook his head with a small smile on his face

"You really like your son Marcello. If you were just a second later then Steph would have lost it" Alessandro said chuckling as he poured himself a drink from the small bar in the the room
"Yeah he has quite the character... But he knows when to quit it" Marcello answered with a small smile while swirling his drink in the glass he was holding

"Are you sure about that?" Stephano grumbled out still pretty pissed about what happened making Alessandro and Marcello laugh lightly

Back to Isabella
Isabella's pov

This exam or test or evaluation was different very from the obstacle course or at least that's what I thought at the moment.
So I was seated in a room with 5 other people including me making it 6. The room was pretty spacious so I'm pretty sure we couldn't even hear ours breathes cause the distance between everyone was big.
It was painted white completely which was surprising to me cause these people seem to have a dark streak going.

The people in the room could have been the people I raced against but I didn't really have the time to analyze their faces.
Anyways, it was pretty silent except for the clock on the wall that was ticking making me get the feeling of being in all those strict boarding schools in the movies

A lady dressed in all black like that all the other people in here walked in carrying a small stack of papers in her hands. She stood in front of us and smirked at us

"You guys will be taking an IQ test"


Finished with Chapter 20🤧🤲. And I left it on a cliffhanger.
[Cue evil laughter]

It really means a lot

School is what's stopping me from updating regularly but I'll try my best

Thanks for reading

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