Chapter 14.

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A/N: first off...I'm so so sorry 😭😭 I have been back to classes and busting my ass! This chapter has been sitting unfinished for awhile- I hope it's long enough to make up for my lack of updates. I've got a little group of yall that are quite supportive!

Things are going to really kick off from here ;)
Harlow probably won't get much better for a while. If at all lol.

Sitting across from each other, it felt as though the room was both the busiest and quietest it had ever been. The noise so apparent but indiscernible. Waylon figured, that too prying eyes, the duo must've made less sense than the Mad Hatters tea party. For the first time since he'd arrived, the boy was not sat with his usual posey.

He sat across from Harlow who simply watched as he ate lunch in silence. For one reason or another he had grasped Waylon under the arm while walking to class and all but dragged him to their table. They were the only ones that sat there. Wriggling under the gaze uncomfortably, in the distance Waylon could feel more judgmental eyes.

When Markus had first entered the cafeteria, his usual large smile was ever present. It quickly faltered however, when the lack of its return made him aware of Waylon's table guest. He had taken an experimental step forward, to which the dark haired boy had shaken his head. A look of guilt flashing across his features, feeling it in his gut at the look on his friend's face. Dejection. He had expected Markus to join with the other two, who deep in conversation hadn't noticed Waylon's absence yet. Much to his surprise that was not what followed. Instead Markus looked around for a moment as if lost, before a familiar barista nodded for him to come over. Playing with the hem of his shirt, for a moment Markus looked particularly younger than usual. Like a child unsure why the other kids didn't want to play with him. Waylon felt like he just kicked a puppy. He groaned in his head.

Why didn't he just sit with Jay and Sasha? He felt a pain in his temple thinking about it, but looking over was a quick answer. Twos a couple, threes a crowd. Whenever the duo would split off or go on their own adventures it was evident, they were much closer with each other than anyone else. He couldn't blame them, Waylon doubted they would've iced Markus out if he had sat down. But at least with Waylon around it didn't mean sitting awkwardly on a stool, chatting with a girl in between her working. Twiddling your thumbs in your lap all the while.
An extra level of frustration brewed over the uselessness of his predicament. What, did Harlow just want to watch him eat? Was he just weird like that? For a moment he swore he felt a glare coming from Markus and wondered which expression made him feel worse.

Waylon didnt hear the voice trying to get his attention, he did see the fingers clicking in his face however. In a sing-songy voice, Harlow had been calling him.

"Waylon, I'm speaking to Waylon~" he mused, no emotion on his features as he did so. Maybe a mild trace of annoyance. The other didn't answer, just twisted his face in question. Harlow leaned his chin on his palm, brows furrowing, "When are your free periods?"

For a moment the question didn't register, Waylon's brain extra tired that day. For some reason he'd assumed Harlow knew his schedule by now, "Oh- there uhm.." he thought, trying to remember what day it currently even was, "Well, I have one after breakfast Friday and uhh, after lunch Tuesday—today." He finally finished, Harlow raised his brows as if shocked at how much brain power it took for the other to speak.

Harlow sat upright and looked at Waylon with that judgmental gaze, "Change Friday one to Wednesday after lunch."

Waylon's head shook in confusion, "What? Huh, why?"

"Because," Harlow sighed, "After lunch now we've got enough time to work." He looked down at his phone seeing how long remained till the next bell, "My other free day is Wednesday. You can get a lot done in forty minutes Yknow?"

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