Chapter Eighteen: Sduwb

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Dipper finished his late bite of waffles and then stood up, only to be shooed off by Mabel. He quickly scurried up the stairs and could hear his sister yell, "And dress a little nicer than you normally do! This is a party, bro bro!"

Once Dipper reached the attic, he closed the door behind him and picked out some clothes to wear. He chose a red, low-cut, t-shirt, a blue, plaid, flannel shirt, and silver, cropped, jeans. Dipper had only put on his pants and was mid-way through putting on his t-shirt when the door to the attic opened and a certain blonde walked in.

"Bill!" Dipper snapped and quickly pulled down his t-shirt. "What did I say about knocking before you walked into the attic? I could've been naked!"

"Hey, we're both guys, aren't we?" Bill chuckled before collapsing onto his bed, throwing his arms above his head as he watched Dipper put on his flannel shirt, leaving it unbuttoned.

"I could care less. I still want my privacy," Dipper muttered and went to sit on his own bed. "What are you doing up here, anyways? Or did you just come to see if you could catch me dressing?"

Bill laughed and then exclaimed, "No, of course not, Pine Tree! Your sister sent me up here to change into something more 'nice'. She said I could borrow something from you but I had something different in mind."

Dipper raised an eyebrow at Bill and questioned, "Like what?"

"Mmm, something like this," Bill chirped, and then snapped his fingers.

Dipper flinched a bit as Bill's outfit was engulfed in blue flames for a split second before revealing a new outfit. Bill sat up and looked over himself, seeming to be impressed with his work.

The demon was now wearing a white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves and a yellow vest over it. He also wore a black bowtie and black pants. His black tennis shoes, beanie, and gold, triangle, earrings remained, though.

Dipper was a bit stunned at the change, overlooking Bill's new outfit with interest. Bill then noticed and interrupted his staring, "Like what you see?"

Dipper's eyes shot up to meet Bill's aqua gaze, his cheeks getting a faint rosy tint to them, but replied, "... Uh, you look good. I just didn't know your powers were strong enough to do that yet."

"Clothes are easy magic, kid," Bill explained, almost sounding unimpressed with the other's knowledge of magic. "But either way, my powers are a bit stronger now. I'm still recovering though, so if you need me for anything big spells, count me out."

Dipper chuckled and then stood up, walking towards the door, "Come on, let's go see if the others are here yet."

Bill then jumped up, following Dipper out of the attic and into the foyer where Mabel was waiting for them. Her eyes lit up as she saw the two and let out a small squeal in excitement.

"You two look great!" she exclaimed, seeming to take more interest in Bill, though. "Where'd you find that? I know Dipper does not have anything nice like that."

Dipper frowned a bit but then watched as Bill lifted one of his hands up to light the tips of his fingers on fire and replied, "I made them."

"Cool!" Mabel chirped, and watched as the fire on Bill's hand that faded as he his hand fall back to the side of his body. "Come on, the others are waiting in the ballroom!"

Dipper and Bill followed Mabel down the winding hallway into the empty ballroom, where Soos, Wendy, Melody, Pacifica, Grenda, and Candy were waiting. They all looked at the three in excitement.

Dipper and Mabel quickly rushed up to Melody, who they had only saw over the computer for the entire summer, and tugged her into a group hug.

"Hey, Dipper, Mabel!" Melody exclaimed, and then pulled away from the two. "It's been so long since I've seen you two in person! You're so grown up now!"

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