a Christmas party and the Mysterious Malfoy

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Rosalie's POV

"We have our story straight?" Harry asked in the hallway while fidgeting with his tie, unsuccessfully.

I swat away his hand, properly adjusting it, "Yes, I'm a cousin of Nymphodora Tonks on her father's side. The only other magic user in the family. I came around to help Dora with the baby."

"If he has more questions, I'm sure he will be drunk enough to not remember them in the morning." Harry smiles down at me as I adjust his robe. "I like your dress by the way. And brown hair and braid suits you."

I had one again used the magic that Madam Snelling had taught me, lightening my hair to a chestnut brown and placing it into a long braid that draped over my shoulder and down my front.

I smile, "Thank you! The twins helped choose the dress, actually. Do you think I should add more freckles?" I had already opted for a rosie cheeked complexion, one that rivaled my usual monotone palor. I didn't want to be too recognizable, just in case.

"No, I think that's enough. You already look like the good version of yourself." Harry teased, offering me his arm.

"Harry Potter," I gasp weaving my arm through his, "Are you calling me evil?"

Harry laughs as he guides us down the corridor, "Well, you are a slytherin..."

I reach up with my free arm and flick his ear, causing him to duck and pull me with him.

"Mr. Potter, there you are!" A chubby round faced man in a waist coat walks up to greet us, "I was worried you had decided to ditch us."

"Sorry, Professor." Harry smiled awkwardly, "I was just showing my date around the castle. Professor Slughorn, this is Rose Tonks. She's here from, ah-" Harry pauses shooting a glance over to me.

Seriously Harry?  The story was so simple. "Portree, Scotland." I reach out a hand to Slughorn, who instead of shaking it, places a sloppy kiss on it.

I draw my hand back, attempting to hide my disgust. Slughorn smiles, "Surely you would have went to Hogwarts my dear?"

"Oh, I suppose I would have. But my parents opted for a private trainer and teacher."

Harry leans over and whispers, "I'm going to fetch us some drinks."

'Don't you dare leave me with this man, Potter. I swear to- and he's already gone.'

"So then, what brings you here?" Slughorn asks again. It didn't feel like an interagation, just an over friendly man.

"My cousin just gave birth a bit ago, I travelled in to help with the baby. Possibly you know her? Or likely her husband? Dora Tonks and Remus Lupin." I played dumb. Of course he knows atleast Remus. He was in the slug club.

"Well I'll be," Slughorn said with surprise, "Remus Lupin. How is he?"

I fake chuckled, "Oh well, you know. Busy as a beaver with the newborn and all. But that's what I'm there for."

Behind us, the door swung open, revealing the weirdest (and angriest) looking man I had ever seen in my life) dragging none other than Draco Malfoy, "Look who I found nosing about in the hallway."

Draco was held slightly up by his collar, looking around the room spitting mad.

"Mr. Malfoy, what on earth are you doing out?" Slughorn questioned.

Snape, who I hadn't even noticed, swooped in to save the boy, "I'll take care of him Argus, you hurry along."

Filch, I had realized, looked as if he wanted to protest, then shook his head and ran along.

Harry and I made eye contact from across the room and I subtly nodded, signaling for him to follow Snape and Malfoy. I wanted nothing more than to follow, but I was sure that Sluhorn would most definitely notice me leaving.

However, none other than Hermione places a hand on my shoulder as she joins at my side, "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt your conversation, but Professor I've just been told about you teaching the current captain of the Hollyhead Harpies! Is that true?"

Predictably, Slughorn falls straight into a rant about his past student, fluffing his ego. Hermione glanced at me, her look telling me to go.

I do so, immediately running out to join Harry. I find him pressed up against the wall in the corridor, listening to the ensuing conversation. I peak around the corner and see Malfoy and Snape right there, causing me to join Harry with my back pressed against the wall.

"I swore to protect you," Snape hisses quietly, but no mater how quiet one is, every thing echos in these halls, "I made the unbreakable vow!"

"I don't need protection!" Draco spat back, causing me to raise my eyebrows out of sheer disrespect, "I was chosen for this. Out of all of the others! Me!"

I glanced over to Harry, who was already staring wide eyed in my direction.

"And I won't fail him!" Draco added, his pride poorly masking something else in his voice... was that... fear?

"You're afraid, Draco." Snape's tone seemed almost imperceptibly softer.

"No! I was chosen! This is my moment!" Draco raises his voice, and footsteps tell me that he stormed off.

Snape's footsteps grow closer, causing my heart beat to quicken for a second in fear of being caught eavesdropping, but they grow quiet as he continues away. I look to Harry.

I feel a twinge of guilt for the boy, because even though I know considerably more than he does, I am still so very confused.
Third Person POV

Despite the fact that Harry, Ron and Ginny could have returned to the burrow that night with Rosalie, they had opted to take the train to, as Ginny put it, 'keep some semblance of normalcy'. Rose understood that, which is why she was now helping Mr. Weasley decorate the Burrow for Christmas while they waited for Mrs. Weasley to return with the others.

Ominis and Sebastian had opted to accompany her to Kings Cross Station, leaving only Mr. Weasley, Bill, and Rose.

"It is a shame you'll be leaving us when this is all over," Mr. Weasley handed Rose an ornament where she was perched on a ladder. (Arthur insisted that this Christmas would be done the muggle way.) "You and Bill could decorate your Christmas tree like this with your children."

Bill choked on his hot cocoa, turning redder than a tomato, "Dad, no- that's not-"

Arthur sighed, "I know, I know. She already has her fate. I just wish things could be different. You know Rose, dear, Molly really enjoy having you three here."

Rose had to shake off the ominous statement of 'she already has her fate' to answer Mr. Weasley, "Awe, thank you Arthur. We really like it here too."

Arthur smiled contently as he continued handing Rosalie ornaments. She however was far from the present moment in her mind.

If she could stay, would she? And if she did, would she even stay with Bill? Once again, Rose found herself thinking... she thought she loved Bill... but it was different. He was sweet and kind but...

He wasn't them.

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