corruption of a weasley

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Rosalie slowly turned towards the voice, "Bill. How much of that did you see?"

Bill walked briskly up to her, causing her to back nervously into the wall as he towered over her, "Enough. Rose, have you lost your mind?"

Rose scoffed, straightening a bit in an attempt to get into his face, "Are you out of yours? That wretch was going to try to hurt Harry! The entire point of us being here was to protect him!"

"The aurors could have taken care of it Rosalie!" Bill raised his voice a bit.

"Oh yes. Like they've taken care of literally anything so far!" Rosalie shot her hands up in exasperation, "It's always the same. The death eater gets caught, then somehow released- then we just repeat the process. Bellatrix was in Azkaban for fucks sake! Look how well that protected Sirius."

Bill's eyes softened and he sighed, "I suppose you're right, Rosie." He brought a hand to her cheek and rested his forehead on hers, "It's just- this isn't the way I was raised."

Rose relaxed at his touch, "I know Billy. That's why you just need to let me and Sebastian do what we need to do. You don't have to do anything."

"That's the thing though, Rosalie." Bill smiled and kissed her before whispering, "I'm starting to think I'd do anything for you."

Luckily for Sebastian and Rosalie, Bill was the only one to notice that they had even left the station. When they returned, the adults where gathered near the enterance.

"There you three are," Mrs. Weasley chided.

"Sorry Mum," Bill says smoothly, "We had seen someone acting odd. False alarm though."

"Very well, you lot just gave us a scare. Let's get going back home."

"Actually," Bill said, surprising everyone, "I think I'm going to take the Slytherin lot out for some butterbeer."

Ominis face scrunched in confusion, but he stepped over to join his friends.

"Very well." Mrs Weasley smiled, "Just be careful."

Rose slipped her arm through Ominis's, gesturing for him to put away this wand. The group stepped out of platform 9 3/4, working their way into Diagon Alley.

Nobody spoke as they followed Bill to the Leaky Cauldron. The barkeep smiled as they entered, "Hey Weasley!  Need the Bussiness parlor?" The man said as he eyed the Slytherin trio.

Rosalie realized quickly that the man though they must be here on Gringotts business.

"That would be great, Seamus." Bill shot him a charming smile. The barkeep summoned down a set of stairs that shifted magically into place, leading to a high up door that wasn't there a second ago.

The group made their way into the room. It was small but cozy. A small couch on one side of a rustic coffee table, and a worn leather arm chair on the other.

Bill watched as the trio sat on the couch- not missing as Sebatians arm snaked around Rosalies shoulders protectively. He glared over his own shoulder at Bill.

The redhead man charmed the door so no one would hear  their conversation, and walked to the chair. As he sat, he noticed that Ominis had subconsciously placed his hand on Rosalies knee.

Bill bristled a bit, not helped by Sebastians constant glaring eyes. However, Rosalies soft ones were enough to calm him.

A tray of butterbeer, along with a bottle of firewhiskey and some glasses appeared on the coffee table between them.

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