What Are We?

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Sebastian stood on top of the coffee table in their secret base located in the worn leather suitcase, speaking grandly as he read the Daily Prophet, "'These are dark times, there is no
denying. Our world has perhaps
faced no greater threat than it
does today.'" He pauses, looking down to Ominis and Rosalie where they lounge on the couch, "What a bloody bellend. 'But I say this to our
citizenry: we, ever your
servants, continue to defend your
liberty and repel the forces that
would seek to take it from you.
Your Ministry remains strong...'"

"If only they would have listened to Potter instead of treating him like a nutter," Ominis rolled his eyes. Noticed Rosalie sitting tensly beside him on the soft sofa, and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into his side, "Whats the matter, my love?"

Rosalie sighed, accepting Ominis's gesture and pulling up her legs to curl into his arms, "These are our last days of normalcy. I thought we were done with dark wizards and war- but of course not. Just when I began to feel normal again, something- someone, pulls us here. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we met everyone- but..." she slowly blows her breath through her lips- something that she did when attempting to calm herself.

Sebastian hoped down from the table, sitting on the tattered arm chair facing his friends, "I understand."

She sat up straighter, Ominis's hand sliding from her shoulders only to place itself on her thigh where he rubbed soothing circles with his thumb. She stared to the tin ceiling, "I can't help but feel our being here wasn't the plan. Us being here got Billy killed. It's like the author of our lives displaced us."

"Bills death is not our fault, love." Ominis spoke softly.

"I know that. But indirectly. Maybe he was meant to be with Fleur. Maybe it was supposed to be his wedding. Maybe-"

Ominis's hands went to her cheeks, pulling her face to be inches from his. His words were firm, but sweet, "That is enough Rosalie Wayland Sharp. Do you hear me?"

This is how he used to break Rosalie from her panic. She nodded. His fogged over eyes flicked down to her lips, the lower of which was red where she had been chewing at it, "I need to hear you say it, love."

Her eyes flicked to meet his, "Yes, Ominis. I understand."

He smiled, running a hand down her hair, "Good. Good."

Sebastian smiled at the two. It was odd to him, seeing him hold her like that sparked no jealously. When it was Bill, rage burned through him. Hell, during that very, very brief time where Poppy and Ominis had dated, Sebastian had wanted to set the Hufflepuff on fire- no matter how sweet she was. But with these two?

"Sebastian, mate," Ominis snapped his fingers at him, bringing him back, "Where were you? You were staring so hard i thought you were trying to set us on fire with your mind."

Sebastian blinked rapidly as if to clear his thoughts, but his mouth betrayed him, "What are we?"

He immediately turned red, hands covering his face. He had hoped the pair wouldn't acknowledge the question, but of course that wasn't his luck.

Rosalie tilted her head, "What do you mean, Seb?"

Sebastian rallied his courage, looking at them and sighing, "Considering we could very well die in battle very, very soon-" he paused, thinking through his words, "We apparently get married. We know that. But, how? Why? What are we now?"

Ominis sat up, and leaned forward to place his elbows on his knees. Rosalie's mind flicked back to what Ron had said about her that foggy morning only a few days back- the thinker. Only the statue never spoke, unlike Ominis, "For starters- and don't quote me on this, nor is it an invitation to do anything stupid, because I'm not an expert on time ttavel," Ominis looked up to give Sebastian a pointed glare, "But given that we clearly make it back to our time to even be able to marry... I don't think we could die in this time. But never the less, Sebastian. You're right. This is something we should discuss."

The boys look to Rosalie expectantly, but she had no idea what she was supposed to say, "Well... I mean, would you call us friends?"

They nodded, but Sebastians eyes furrowed in thought, "Yes, but I'd like to say whatever is between us is more than that."

Ominis nodded, "I'm inclined to agree."

Rosalie slowly nodded, "Okay... so... like, do you feel something for me? For each other?"

The boys baucked in disgust, "Ew, no!"Absolutely not."

Ominis placed a hand on Rosalie's, "Feeling for you? Yes. But feelings for each other..."

Sebastian overexageratingly crinkled his nose, "No. That's gross."

Inside Rosalies mind, something stired. Or Someone, that is. "Liars."
Isodora purred in a sing-song voice. Rosalies eyes widened with bewilderment, but she was quick to hiss back in her mind, "Quiet."

"The bloody hell was that?" Sebastian questioned, looking over to Ominis to see if he had seen the same thing- one of Rosalie's eyes had flashed white.

"Uh, Isodora, I think," Rosalie prodded her mind for traces of Isodora, but she was gone, "She uh, she had something to say."

Ominis squeezed her hand as she looked on in concern, "She spoke? I wasn't aware she could do that. What did she say?"

Rosalie shook her head, "Neither was I... but it doesn't matter. I suppose what matters is that we all care for eachother in some way shape or form, yes? I know I love you both fiercely. It's like something primal and ethereal connects us. I don't think we need to understand it, not just yet. For now, we just enjoy it."

The boys stared at each other for a moment before nodding. Rosalie sat up, "Now. Xavier showed me the wildest movie the other day, and you two just have to watch it."

As night turned to early morning, Rosalie awoke on the mess of cushions the trio had spread across the floor. She stood and stretched, careful not to wake Sebastian and Ominis, but the sight that found her truly surprised her.

The pair were fast asleep, spooning. Ominis held Sebastian tightly to his chest- it was adorable.

It was also in that moment that Rosalie realized what Isodora had meant when she had hissed that word.

She wasn't calling them liars for saying they loved Rosalie. No, she was calling them liars for saying they felt nothing for each other.

Rosalie smirked to her self, shaking her head. She supposed the pair of them had to work passed that block between themselves. She quietly showered in the case bathroom, enchanting her hair and makeup to be simple, yet stunning- a smokey eye and over the shoulder braid. She opted for black jeans, black leather thigh high boots with heels, and a black fitting tank top that hugged her form and had thick straps. Not quite a tank she supposed, but not quite a shirt sleeve.

She wanted let her tattoo show- to appear menacing. She had to look menacing. It's not everyday one gets to meet the famous Harry Potter's piece of shit aunt and uncle after all.

She went to the manequin that held her battle gear, and took the wand thigh holster. The reflection in the mirror was surely enough to terrify cowards like the Dursleys, but she was a show woman. She needed to put the fear of God into them.

She rifled through the enchanted bag on her mannequin, smirking as she pulled out another thigh holster holding an ornate dagger. She stared in the mirror, releasing tendrils of shadow that curled around her.

As she willed them, they sunk into the skin on her bare arm- staining whisps of black. A tattoo that looked like ink I water.

She smirked. Yeah, that'll do. Walking over to the still sleeping boys, she kissed both of their cheeks, "I'll see you this evening boys, I'm off to assist Potter in evicting the muggles."

An Interesting Turn in Time ◇Hogwarts Legacy × Reader× Golden Trio◇Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ