Joy and Sorrows

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"They'll be in soon, Sirius. Please sit down. Your constant pacing is stressing me out." Rosalie whined from the couch. She laid across it, onto Sebastian and Ominis's laps. They had been reading peacefully before the girl had plopped herself on top of them.

Ominis absent-mindedly braided her hair, and Sebastian huffed, "I swear if Fred and George try to make a move on you, I'll carve them like a Christmas ham."

Rosalie chuckled, "Eh, you're worried about the wrong Weasley. Your real problem is that sexy man in the chair over there."

Bill, sitting in the armchair in the corner pretending to read, wiggled his eyebrows, "You know it, baby."

Ominis just chuckled, and Sebastian rolled his eyes. For the past two months, Wayland and Weasley have been hitting on each other in increasingly odd ways, seeing who would be the first to break character. The boys didn't see Bill as a true threat, for some reason. It was just very clear while the pair were obviously really close. It would never be anything more.

Rosalie sat up suddenly, throwing a sock at Sirius, "Sit!"

Downstairs, the door opened. The voices of Lupin and Tonks carried up the stairs. Sirius and Rosalie race down the stairs, pushing each other out of the way like a pair of children.

Rosalie, however, slammed on the brakes as soon as her eyes fell on Tonks. While Rosalies minimal exploration of the modern world hadn't allowed her to see many traces of magic, the sight was undeniable. The tell-tale blue glow of ancient magic within the abdomen of her friend. Rosalie couldn't help up and let out a little gasp, wide eyes staring at the couple.

The snake on her arm glowed a glittery blue, like small stars within the black - her magic reacting to the magic within Tonks.

The three adults looked at Rosalie as if she had lost it before it clicked in Rosalies mind. "Holy shit, congratulations!"

She ran down the last few steps and flung her arms around Tonk's shoulders. Tonks was shocked but hugged her back, "How the hell do you know?" Tonks laughed as Rose pulled back.

Rose placed a hand on Tonk's belly, and at once, her tattoo sparked a bright blue, "I can see traces of magic. Remus, Dora; I think your child is a wielder like me."

Eventually, as the evening progressed, the kids returned from Hogwarts. Mr. And Mrs Weasley joined, and even Mad Eye showed up. Sirius was overjoyed, the Christmas spirit overtaking him. Everyone was in a good mood, increasingly so at the news of the baby. Everyone, that is, but Harry. Rosalie was the first to notice it. The boy was more reserved than usual, even a bit irritable. At first chance, Rosalie pulled Hermione into a separate room.

"Hey Mione, what's up with Harry?" She asked, voice low to go unheard.

Hermione looked sad, "You noticed, huh? He's been having nightmares. It's more like seeing things through Voldemort's eyes. He's afraid he's the one hurting people."

Rosalies eyebrows furrowed, "Oh. You know what? Not today. Tonight we are going to enjoy Christmas. We can deal with whatever is happening in his head tomorrow."

Hermione nodded, and the pair of girls rejoined the festivities.

Looking into the mysterious nightmares didn't happen until after New Years. Rosalie had found a dark patch within Harry that wasn't supposed to be there. She attempted to remove the dark magic as she had removed the curse in Anne, but its claws were sunk deep. So deep, she was afraid if she would attempt to remove it any more Harry would either die, or Voldemort would feel it. As of now, the Order had no reason to believe that Voldemort was aware of the connection. Snape had agreed to tutor Harry in the practice of Occulomancy.

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