A Visit to Xavier

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To Rosalie's surprise and protest, Hagrid left the bike at the Burrow telling Rosalie, "You have some fun with it. I trust you'll take care of it the same way Sirius would. I'll just need it back the night we rescue Harry."

He refused to take no for an answer, ignoring her protests the whole way to the fireplace, turning to her with a wink before disapearing back to Merlin knows where.

The adults of the Order had returned to their duties, the twins back to their shop, leaving only the slytherin trio, Molly, Arthur, Ginny, Ron and Hermione.

The meeting had lasted most of that day, and was rather tiring- especially considering over half of the remaining clan had traded sleep for the bottom of a whiskey bottle the previous night- causing everyone to turn in early.

The next morning, amongst the mist riddled yard, Rosalie found herself sitting on a tree stump, elbow on knees, chin in hands, staring deeply at the bike.

"You look like that muggle statue, what's it called?" Ron snapped his fingers as he searched for the name.

"The Thinker?" Ominis emerged from the mist with Ron.

Sebastians vague form moved through the yard towards the shed where they had stored their quidditch gear, "And you'd know that how, mate?"

Ominis rolled his eyes, "I've been reading, for starters."

Rosalie snorted, "For the last Gods damned time- stop sneaking up on me."

"We weren't exactly being quiet love," Ominis chuckled, crouching down in front of her, "It's not our fault you were in another dimension."

His eyes scanned her, already fully dressed for the day in black jeans, a black tank top and a leather jacket layed beside her. His eyes made their way down to her feet to see her signature black leather boots- then flicked back to her face.

She had worn makeup today, smokey eyeshadow and a dark winged liner. Her naturally pale skin looked porcelain, and her delicate lips a blood red.

He wanted to badly to press his lips onto hers, smudge deep red. He almost did. Almost took that final step towards something more-

But Sebastian interupted. He bounded up beside Rosalie, "You playing?"

The pair startled out of their trance, Rosalie looking toward Sebastian bewildered, "Playing?"

"Oh, right. We talked about it after you went to bed," Sebastian said, dropping his arm full of gear onto the ground, "We are playing Quidditch today."

"Yeah!" Ron beamed, "Even the twins and Charlie are joining in."

Ginny shouted from the shed- which Rosalie hadn't even seen her go into, "And me! Speaking of- Rosalie can I borrow a broom?"

Rosalie quietly laughed, "Have at it!" She turned back to the boys, "What about Hermione?"

"Oh bullocks no," Ron snorted, "Hermione? Flying? Quidditch?"

Rosalie raised an amused eyebrow at Ron, "Right," she shook her head, "I'm planing on heading in to Diagon Alley today. I need to find a dress for Charlie and Fleurs wedding."

"Take Hermione with you," Ron suggested, a darkness spreading on his face, "After the thing with her parents, I don't think she is doing too well. She needs a friend."

Rosalie nodded, "Fair. I'll go wake her up- we'll take the bike in."

"You're sure this is safe?" Rosalie questioned as Hermione explained how the two of them could ride the bike together without having to reattach the side car.

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