Control and the Christmas Invitation

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"So how I do it might not work for you but I can definitely talk you through it," Rosalie hummed for a second, then looked over to Ominis and began to laugh, "I really suck at teaching, I'm so sorry."

Ominis chuckles as well, "Truly, you are not that bad, love."

It was just the two of them. They had snuck out of the house into the early morning mist to train. It wasn't planned, but when Rose made her way to the kitchen for some hot chocolate and found Ominis already there, the plan just fell into place. Now, they were in a frost covered field less than a kilometer from the Burrow.

She walked a few steps away from Ominis, towards the training dummies they had summoned, "So, for the lightning I just kind of," she reaches her hand up to the sky, and mimes as if she was grabbing something, "Then I just pull down and," the dummy explodes as a bolt of lightning zigzag from the sky and strikes it.

She turned to Ominis again, "At first, I had to use my wand, but now I find it easier to just do it wandless. As for the aiming," she pulled out her wand and summoned another training dummy, "It just kind of happens? Like the magic in you and in the world around you are just a part of you? Like how you just know where your limbs are in the dark... or I suppose when you're blind."

Ominis chuckled, "Yes. Suppose I'd know a thing or two about that. And that 'sense' is called Proprioception."

Rosalie rolls her eyes, "Of course there's a word for it. And of course you know it.... you know, it sounds like it could be a spell." She began miming casting a spell, shouting out the newly learned word.

Ominis laughed, stepping forward. He rolled up his sleeves and adjusted his stance, "It's a good thing you're pretty, because I'm fairly sure your brain got damaged in one of your many battles."

Rosalie stopped her imaginary battle and gasped, clutching imaginary pearls on her chest, "Blind Ominis would have never said that!"

Ominis rolled his eyes and chuckled, then lifted his wand to the sky.

"Okay, now you have to feel the energy. Can you feel it?" Rose spoke quietly, suddenly serious.

"I think so," Ominis spoke through his concentration.

Suddenly, he pulled his wand down. A bolt of lightning followed his motion, albeit a smaller bolt than Rosalie produced.

Ominis looks a bit taken sad, "Well atleast I could summon one."

Rose approached him, leaning her head on his shoulder, "Omi, size doesn't matter. Any size bolt is going to do damage."

"I'm sure Bill tells you that, but I assure you- bigger is better." Sebastian voice cut through the chilly morning air, causing the two to jump. "Although in this case, that was still seriously badass."

"Merlins beard, Sebastian. Don't do that!" Rosalie swatted his arm playfully when he approached.

He caught her hand and twirled her so her back was to his chest, and his arms were around her, "Do what? I wasn't exactly being sneaky." He rested his chin on the top of her head and tightened his arms a bit, "Bloody hell it's cold out here."

"You're getting weak Sebastian," Ominis chuckled, "During quidditch matches it could be a blizzard and you didn't care."

"Yeah, yeah. Modern life spoiled me." He rolled his eyes again, "Shouldn't you be training or something?"

"Well, seeing as you have my teacher under arrest-" Ominis began.

"Your teacher looked cold. Besides, it seems like you got the hang of the lightning thing. Just practice that some more." Sebastian freed a hand from his snare around you and motioned for Ominis to get back at it.

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