Plans for Potter Part 2

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Hagrid was filled in on the events of last night, Ominis stepping forward to use his magic to project the images from last night into Hagrids mind. When Hagrids eyes cleared and became lucid again, tears immediately formed as they locked on to Rosalie.

He stood and walked over to her, sweeping her into a hug that took the air out of her. "OH you poor sweet puffskien," Hagrid sobbed as the rest of the group watched on in horror as they watched the half giant crush her small frame, "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that! If you ever need to talk, come down to me hut and have some tea. Fang gives the best cuddles."

Rosalie laughed as much as she could with her dwindling air, "Thank you Hagrid, but you're crushing me."

Hagrid dropped her, awkwardly wiping the tear from under his eye, "I'm sorry. I forget my own strength sometimes, ya know?"

Rosalie smiled and reached up to pat Hagrid's arm, "You're all good big guy."

Moody cleared his throat, "Alright, alright. Get the sobbing out of your systems and let's get down to business. Potter."

The plan was relayed to those who were not involved in the original planning. Half of the group were to take Polyjuice to turn into Harry, the others were to be the escorts, that way the death eaters wouldn't be able to tell which Harry was real.

Sebastian chimed in from where he lounged on the couch, legs kicked up onto Ominis's and Rosalies laps, "If I may,-"

"You may not," Moody's metallic eye whirled to take in Sebastian.

"Let the boy speak Alastor, they have been through just as much if not more than we have. Their input is valuable."

Sebastians wide eyes and raised brows flicked from Kingsley to Moody, and he released an annoyed breath, "Well then. Anyways, I was going to say- and I'm sure Ominis and Rosalie were thinking the same thing- why should one of the 'Potters' actually be Potter. What if the real Harry take polyjuice potion to look like, say, me?"

"That's ridiculous-" Moody made to snap, but Kingsley held up a finger to tell him to wait.

"Also," Rosalie chimed in, "Letting the owl fly free is a bad idea. They may expect her to fly along side the real Harry. If we find a way to transport her safely, and maybe cast a double..." she turned to Sebastian, "Bas is good at those kind of charms."

Kingsley smiled, clearly impressed, "Very well. But which of you three would want to stand in for the real Harry. Having the fake owl to bait the death eaters will put you in great danger.

Rosalie, Ominis, and Sebastian all glanced at eachother- each challenging the other to volunteer. With a wave of her hand, Rosalie summoned a fist of dark straw. Each boy drew one, then her. Sebastian's was the shortest.

He actually cheered. Usually, the short straw was the one you didn't want to get, but each of the trio would rather be the one in the path of danger to the other two would be safe.

"We don't have enough Polyjuice potion to-" Moody began before being cut off by Rosalie.

"On the contrary sir. I have enough Polyjuice potion for an army."

Kingsley clapped his hands together, "Well then. It's settled. The plan is set."

The majority of the Order dispersed, but Rosalie found Hagrid out in the garden, removing the side car from the bike.

"What are you doing?" Rosalie questioned as she approached.

"Taking off the side car for ya," Hagrid turned and smiled down at Rosalie, "It's easier to maneuver this way."

Rose nodded, circling the bike, inspecting it thoroughly. Hagrid moved the sidecar, placing it to the ground with a light thud, "Well, what're you waiting for. Get on."

Rosalies eyes flicked uneasily to the half giant, then back to the bike. George and Fred appeared behind Hagrid, startling him. Hagrid let out a curse, muttering under his breath about the boys being creepy.

"Go on," Fred said, gesturing to the bike grandly.

"We won't let you fall," George grinned, then looked to Hagrid, "Say, Hags... can we have a turn after-"

"Absolutely not," his words were light hearted, but he meant them.

Hagrid approached the bike Rosalie now straddled looking uneasy. He laughed, "You have tussled with a Mother Dragon. I think you can handle a little bike."

Rosalie inhaled deeply, summoning courage from deep within her, "Fair enough."

Hagrid talked her through how to use the bike, and it truly did seem to be easy enough. He backed up, "Alright. Have at it."

She started the bike, the motor reving to life with a thunderous roar. She revved it, laughing. She had to admit, this felt pretty badass.

She didn't ease on the gas, instead finding herself flying forward at an outrageous speed. She shouted, startled as the bike bumped along the grassy field, attempting to take flight.

The treeline grew closer way faster than she had been prepared for. She began swearing under her breath as she struggled to control the death machine under her.

Molly, Hermione, and Ominis had joined Hagrid and the twins, the later of which was cheering Rosalie on wildly. Hagrids booming voice Rose faintly above the cacophony of racket, just barely reaching Rosalies ears:

"Pull up! Pull up!"

She did, just before reaching the point of no return where she would have crashed into the trees.

"Let's freaking go!" Fred yelled, chest bumping George excitedly. Rosalie heard their whooping and hollering, and looked down as she sped through the air. Hermione and Ominis were shouting too, and Molly watched from between a slit in her fingers as she covered her face with worry. Molly, the whole time since the tires of the bike left the ground, had been chiding Hagrid for allowing Rosalie on 'that reckless contraption'.

Hagrid just watched on with pride, "She really is just like a mini Sirius, isn't she?"

Molly slowly lowered her hands, still covering her mouth- but she agreed.

Rosalie mean while was high enough that crashing wasn't a worry, so she took a moment to slow and inspect the dash of the bike. There were four buttons each labled- on/off, skip, and invisible- as well as a dial which read: volume.

Rosalie pressed the on button, and startled a bit at the loud music that began playing from unseen speakers.
She recognized the song, one of Sirius's favorites- Kickstart My Heart by Mötley Crüe.

She laughed, speeding the bike up. For the first time in forever, she felt like Sirius flew along side her. And she relished that feeling.


Sorry the chaper came out late. I had to put my dog to sleep unexpectedly this week, so I couldn't so much as pry myself off of the couch.

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