Chapter Thrity-Five: We Meet Agan Water Hashira

Start from the beginning

As Sayake looked at the same Giyuu is looking at a woman started to appear attacking on a high speed with Sayake readying her kunai ready to attack but it was a good thing that Giyuu was able to block her attack.

As the lady landed so gracefully Sayake can't help but stare at her "she is so beautiful." Sayake thought while looking at the butterfly like woman she likes her haori so much along with her hair clip "oh my Tomioka-san why did you get in the way?" the woman asked her voice was soft yet Sayake can hear the annoyance in her voice.

Giyuu just kept quite which annoyed the woman more as she smiled at him "hmm." was the only thing Giyuu let out as Sayake sweatdrop "yup he is like papa." Sayake thought while looking at the man in front of her as she hold onto Rui's hand Tanjiro is also lying down the ground so she need to protect them as well.

"did you not say that a human and a demon can't get along?" the woman spoke again as the water hashira stayed quite "you said that but we are getting along fine." Sayake said without hesitation as she looked at the woman infront of her as the woman just smiled.

"oh letting her talk for you Tomioka-san this is the reason why no one likes you." the woman said again which made them all looked at Giyuu in shocked and back at the woman "she is so blunt." Sayake thought while looking at the two while Kurama and Ahari just laugh "she hit the spot there." Ahari said while laughing.

"I'm not... I'm not disliked." Giyuu said which made them look at him again while Sayake just smiled and nodded her head while Rui looked at him as if he wanted to say something but kept it to himself not wanting to be part of this show they are doing.

"well, I'm sorry. You haven't even realized that people don't like you then?" the woman said again but she wasn't still done "that was uncalled for please forgive me." the woman said again although Giyuu has a poker face on Sayake can still see that it hit him and with Tanjiro's reaction and the faces he was making made it more funnier.

"boy, miss." the woman called for both Sayake and Tanjiro as Sayake has her guard up looking at the woman while Giyuu has his arms stretch to protect them incase the woman attack "you do know that the girl and that boy is a demon it's dangerous you know." The woman asked while looking at the two.

"I know that." Sayake said now having her kanata ready "your wrong, no your right but she is my sister." Tanjiro said while looking at the woman "oh my is that so that's so sad." The woman said again as she placed one of her hand in her mouth.

"then I'll use a poison that won't make her suffer." the woman said to Tanjiro as Sayake hold her sword tigther than before and ready to attack "how about you miss you are protecting a lower moon." the woman saida again now looking at Sayake with her blade still near her face.

"I have no excuse as you will still try to kill him

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"I have no excuse as you will still try to kill him." Sayake said she wasn't using her usual catchphrase her usual happy yet calm voice was gone as it was replaced with an defensive tone in her voice "is that so." the woman said as Sayake was ready to battle with her.

" can you get up?" Giyuu asked which made Sayake snap out of her thoughts "even if you can't move force yourselves to move." Giyuu said again as Sayake looked at him more as she knew what he is making them do "Tanjiro take Rui with you and run, Rui if a human attack you don't attack back." Sayake started as she looked at the child.

"follow Nezuko turn small and ran don't attack, I trust you." Sayake said she took out her sword ready to fight "thank you/please be careful." both Rui and Tanjiro said at the same time as Tanjiro picked up Nezuko and run.

"oh my isn't this against the code." the woman said as she looked at the two still shock that Sayake stayed behind "go after them." Giyuu said as Sayake looked at him and nooded her head "be careful dattebanne." Sayake said as she run to follow after them.

Tashiro secret:

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Tashiro secret:

Sayake knew someone is following Tanjiro so she is following that person

Rui and Tanjiro can't seem to see eye to eye but would place that aside when Sayake is involed

Giyuu was shock to see Sayake in this place

Sayake is still not healed

Hey guys so sorry took me so long to update still busy with school with the whole thesis and music video creation I had to do that first but thank you all for supporting me it really means a lot to me so thank you and belated merry Christmas to everyone and to those who celebrate their birthday happy birthday as well.

Till next time

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