Her eyes slowly opened to stare at him, her cheeks flushed as she dipped deeper into the water but she couldn't deny that it was very uncomfortable to be caught by her husband soaking in a bathtub.

"why are you soaking in such water at such time?" Venus couldn't stop himself from asking. It had shocked him. The water was too cold and at such time the palace becomes too cold so probably she might fall ill.

"get out of the damn water." Venus ordered.
"I didn't want to sleep while waiting for you, I knew it would anger you and I have to wait. I need you to hear me out."
"what makes you think I won't hear you out even if you fell asleep. Get out of the water now before you fall ill." Truly, he had wished she would fall asleep so he would use this excuse tomorrow to torture her but she's a determined lady it seems.

Imogen blushed uncontrollably before her eyes move over to the piece of cloth waiting on the chair.
"I need clothe, if you could turn around so I can retrieve it." She spoke avoiding his eyes as she looked at the robe.

His eyes followed her eyes and he clenched his jaw before walking to the chair, picked up the cloth and strode back to the bathtub.
"get out." He ordered and she sink deeper.
"you better not try my patience, I don't have much of it, besides you are my wife. What is there that I can't see." Venus spoke, now, that voice- she never knew Venus has it. It was sultry and deep that it made her feel bubbly.

With much hesitation, she stood up in the bathtub and quickly put her hands into the hands of the opened robe. Without expectation, Venus wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her out of the bathtub and head for the bed.

"you could fall ill. Very ill." Venus spoke as he took another clothe and started to dry her wet hair.

His eyes swept over her face, her brown eyes look mesmerizing but held a kind of darkness he is yet to unravel, her lips look plump and moist. He found himself engrossed in her. Was he doing bad by looking at another that wasn't Kailyn, in such way but this isn't any lady, this is his wife.

"go to sleep. You can tell me tomorrow." Venus spoke.

"no. I want to tell you now." Imogen's eyes have grown bigger now and there seems to be a hint of fear in them.

"go to sleep and I don't want to repeat myself." His voice left no room for argument and slowly, she obeyed before he used the covers to cover her body.
He was never harsh to any woman before but it didn't mean he acted this way towards them, he just always love to be on his own except for a few ladies in this palace. His mother, Lady Fay and Kailyn. But with Imogen, this is a first.

He changed into a sleeping wear and climbed into bed not uttering any words further.

Some minutes later, Venus turned angrily to look at his wife who kept turning around, probably unable to sleep. "what bothers you?" he was irritated now.

Slowly she turned to lie on her side, looking at him. "I can't sleep."
"it's the first time I'm sleeping somewhere that isn't my room in the Cullum's house."

"well you have to get used to it. You aren't going anywhere."

Her eyes searched his in the darkness of the room before she inhaled sharply. "I'm sorry. For disrupting your life in such way. For coming into your life with my own selfish aims. I was just too consumed with hatred and greed... and I wanted a way out. I wanted revenge."
Imogen felt the need to tell him this, she felt he was a sincere person while she wasn't. The way he had treated her, showed he might be dangerous but he's not evil.

"all Queens have their aims for becoming one and you are the crown princess, it's expected." Venus knew every lady wants to become a queen just so they can have the power to either destroy families that have ridiculed her or to just feel superior above others.
When Marius was the crown prince, many ladies have fought for him, not just to be his wife but to be his mistress and well, Marius does have a few number of mistresses then, Venus wondered what will happen to them now.
Although, ladies haven't fought for Venus when he became the crown prince, he could see some families trying to push their daughters at him just that the fun was quickly ended as he is married now and does not wish to keep any mistress.
He does not wish to take a similar step with that of their father, he does not want to think he is like their father. He never wants to be like that man.

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