Chapter 11__Jealous?

ابدأ من البداية

"Uh Esra, she's not a maid, she's...Mrs. Kulsum Ozturk." He spoke firmly as his eyes met mine and my tummy did a back flip.

"Oh yeah! I heard about your marriage! Omg is she my yenge? Oh I'm so sorry!" She hugged me tight and kissed my cheeks.

I was so taken aback by this. This is so awkward.
"You know, Razzaq and I known each other since kindergarten. We did everything together. You're so lucky!" She squealed.

I smiled nervously as I looked over to Razzaq who just wore his usual cold expression.
"Oh where are my manners! Affedarsiniz (I'm sorry) I'm Esra Ozchivit. I'm sure you'd heard about me." She flipped her hairs.

Ugh who the hell I'm stuck with! Just then Abdul Razzaq cleared his throat and we turned to him.

"Oh well, um we have a lot of work to do so I think we should get started. Let's go Esra." He spoke with his gaze lowered.

Esra quickly approached him and sprung on his arms and left gliding.
What in the actual FUDGE!
Does she have no shame or dignity?

How could you behave like this with non-Mehram. That too when he's married!

But why am I getting so worked up about it! He can do whatever he wants. Hangs out with whomever he wants.
Who am I to stop him?

But something inside me is feeling so restless upon the sight of him with her.
Am I jealous?
No absolutely not!
Why would I be jealous?

I put on my long coat that covered my entire body and I left the house and reached that site.
Surprisingly I found Emir when I got there.

His emerald eyes instantly lit up as he ran his fingers through his silky brown hair.
His smile grew wider as I approached and greeted him.

"Emir, what a wonderful surprise! What are you doing here?" I smiled.
"I just wanted to say congratulations to the new owner of this plot!" He gave a courtesy. does he knows that the plot is mine? I didn't told him anything.
That means....he's the one who anonymously paid for it!

Oh my Allah! He's such a gentleman. But this is so embarrassing.
How am I going to confront him?

I tried talking about it so that he'd finally confess but he didn't.
And I couldn't find the courage to ask him.

I signed the papers and I just couldn't hold back any longer.
" you know who paid for this?" I whispered to the man.
"I'm sorry I cannot tell you. I've been told not to." He denied.

Now it's confirmed that the money has been paid by Emir.
But why?



Later that evening-

After the dinner with the family along with Esra who was either bragging about herself or would admire Abdul Razzaq.

Though he just remained silent to everything which is not unusual but it was still getting on my nerves.

Even Aslihan and Zakariya and basically the whole family wasn't fond of her.
But it was Razzaq's opinion that mattered because he was just as usual the way he is.

I can't just go up to him and ask him how he feels about her!

I was in the kitchen washing dishes peacefully when I heard a loud crash behind me.

I quickly turned to see what it was and I found Esra standing startled and the pieces of glass was shattered all around the floor.

"Oh my apologies, it slipped from my hand."she said as she pouted.
Ugh so phoney.

"It's okay...I'll clear it up." I forced a smile.
I was cleaning up the mess while she stood.

"You have beautiful eyes." She commented.
I was taken aback.
"But your body know." She made a disgusted expression.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I spoke as nicely as possible.
"Oh you're always covered in that long boring dress along with that hideous me darling....let alone Abdul Razzaq no men will ever look at you!" She scowled as she exited.

Leaving me totally stunned!
What the heck!!!
How dare she?!


Heyy guys!!!

I'm sorry I'm late, I couldn't upload during the day but here it is!!

Hope you like this chapter and please vote and comment.

It means a lot!!!

Thank you so much for reading.

Also if you want spoilers and reels about Abdul Razzaq and Kulsum please follow my Instagram account.

Instagram user- moonstone_booklover

Love ya'll

Bride For 7 Months (Halal Love Story) ( #Book 1 Of Brides Of Ozturks series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن