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Megan stretched and yawned as she slowly opened her eyes. The familiar sight of her childhood bedroom brought a wave of nostalgia and a pang of sadness. Today was the day she had been simultaneously dreading and looking forward to  her last day in her hometown before starting a new chapter in New York City. Megan had been accepted into Columbia University on a full ride scholarship for her academics.

Megan decided to major in visual arts with a minor in art history. Megan had always been passionate about art, ever since she was a little girl. She was excited to finally be able to take classes that would allow her to explore her creative side.

She laid in bed for a few more minutes, reminiscing about all the memories she had made in this town. The late-night adventures with her friends, the family gatherings, and the comforting feeling of being surrounded by the place she had always called home. But as she thought about the opportunities and possibilities that awaited her in New York, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

She got out of bed and looked around her room, trying to soak in every last detail – the posters on the walls, the cozy bedspread, the familiar view out of her window. She knew she would miss this place, but she knew would come back to visit whenever she could.

After Megan was done getting dressed she made her way downstairs. Her parents treated her to a special breakfast at her favorite local diner, and then she spent the morning saying goodbye to all the people she loved. It was an emotional day, filled with tears and laughter, reminiscing about the memories they had shared in their cozy little town. Megan listened to their laughter and felt a pang of sadness, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see them as often once she moved to New York.

After breakfast with her family, Megan took one last walk through the familiar streets, taking in every detail of the place she had grown up in. The old oak tree in the park, the quaint little cafe where she used to study, and the local bookstore where she had spent countless hours lost in the pages of her favorite books, the diner where she had shared countless meals with her friends, and the corner where she had shared her first kiss. Each place held a special memory that she would carry with her to New York.

When she made it home, Megan went to her room and began packing the rest of her things. She worked diligently, folding clothes and packing up books, trying to capture the essence of her life in the boxes laid out across the floor.

With each item she packed, Megan felt a little sadder. She had always dreamed of moving to New York, but this felt so final. Megan grabbed her phone and opened her photos album, scrolling through all the memories she had captured. She allowed herself a few more moments of nostalgia.

As the sun set on her last day in her hometown, Megan felt a sense of gratitude for the memories she had made and the people who had shaped her into the person she had become. She knew that she would always cherish the small town that had been her home.

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