Cursing each other out is our love language between us.

Scrubbing the day off my body, I faceplant down on my bed and knock out in a blink.

What wakes me up a few hours later isn't my alarm, but my brother the dearest coming to lay down on my bed. I feel his weight beside me as the bed dips.

He ruffles my hair, laying on his back, the other arm behind his head. Kian's dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, ready for the day.

I try to raise my hand to slap his hand away, but I really can't manage.

"Rise and shine, my sunshine. The world is waiting" he cackles.

I physically cringe. Turning to my side, I drive my fist to his body. Kian screeches in pain, he stumbles off my bed, grunting.

"You violent fuck"

"I barely touched you" I defend.

He mocks me, face screwing up slightly, "Yeah right"

Kian makes a show walking to my window and steeply pulling the blinds apart. To his disadvantage, it's not that bright outside, given its nearing winter.

He huffs.

I stand from my bed, and he sizes me up, "Finally got your fat ass up?"

I act offended, hand to my chest.

In a sudden move, I swiftly grabbed onto him. Hooking my leg around his, he lands on my bed.

"You're a fucking weirdo you know that, right?"

I smile. Shrugging, "Okay, thanks"

He stands up and walks out of my room, I follow him downstairs.

"You want pancakes or eggs?" Mom asks, turning around to see us as we walk into the kitchen.

She's doing something by the counter. I go and stand by her, facing her side. Mom doesn't turn around to hug me, just continues to do whatever she does. I frown and wrap my arms around her.


Mother is warm and comfortable and safe.

She fights her arm out from between my grip and wraps it around me, hugging me back. "Morning, sweetheart."

I smile back at her little grin when I pull away.

"Uh, and pancakes, please?" I smile sheepishly, answering her question.

"You too, Kie?" she turns her head to look at Kian, who is prepping a smoothie or something. Kian comes and kisses the side of moms' head.

"Fine by me"

I return upstairs to take a shower and find something to wear. Grabbing my shit, I go back to the kitchen and sit between mom and Kian behind a kitchen table.

Mom has berries and jams and different things brought out on the table. I couldn't even imagine putting Nutella on my precious pancake, so I avoid it on the table and smear a bit of Peanut-Butter.

Mom and Kian on the other end love chocolatey pancakes and they pull faces at me every time.

"I can't believe that's my son" Mom scoots her chair farther away from me. "Kie," she leans backwards on her chair to look at him, "I think I was too confused and took the wrong boy from the hospital."

Kian nods, agreeing as he chews his mouthful and sips his drink.

Mom continues, "I believe your brother is out there somewhere" She sighs sadly, hands on her lap.

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