meeting grandpa (pt 1)

Start from the beginning

"Ba baaa!" Ivy says happily.

"Did you give Ivy her ear medicine this morning?" Doug asks Kamala and she nods.

"I did! Today was her last dose actually!" Kamala says, kissing Ivy.

"That's what I figured!" Doug says with a chuckle and smile at Kamala. 

"Devi? Ivy? I'm not sure if you heard, but you two are going to meet a very special person today!" Kamala says as she grabs a picture of her father off a table to show to the kids.

"Who dat, Mommy?" Devi asks curiously like a two year old can.

"My dad, your grandpa is coming over to visit us! And Auntie Maya and Meena are coming too!" Kamala says with a big smile.

"That's Grandpa Donald!" Doug says to Ivy and Devi with a smile.

"Grampa!" Devi says while pointing at his grandfather.

"Oooooo!" Ivy says in response to her brother.

"Yes! That's him! That's me, Auntie Maya, that's Nani, and that's Meena!" Kamala says, showing Devi and Ivy the special picture.

"Meena can't wait to see you two munchkins. I bet she and Auntie Maya have a bunch of goodies for you two! You two are spoiled!" Doug says as he leans over and kisses Ivy's cheek.

Devi giggles as he smiles at Doug and Kamala.

Kamala smiles at Doug and holds his hand, a little nervous about today.

"You think you're ready, Kammy?" Doug asks his wife.

"I think so. I just hope we don't get into any political debates or anything. You know our views can be different on a lot of things." Kamala says with a sigh.

"Well, I'm sure he would want to talk about things like that but I think he knows when to stop. I  think he just wants to spent time with his two daughters and his three grandchildren." Doug says to Kamala, rubbing her hand tenderly.

"I just hope the kids react to him well. I know how close they are to Joe and Jill and your parents too." Kamala says to Doug.

"I think they will. They love everyone. And besides, he is the only grandparents on your side and it's important for them to know him." Doug says, kissing Kamala's hand.

"Like Maya said, with our Dad in his 80s now, it is so important that he gets to not only know his two youngest grandkids, but to get our father/daughter relationship back on the right road." Kamala explains.

"It will be. I'm sure it will take some time and it will probably be hard at times, but you two will get there." Doug says, hugging and kissing Kamala.

"Ma Ma! Da da!" Ivy say, clapping her hands and wanting attention.

"Someone wants attention, huh?" Kamala says as Doug chuckles.

"I love what your outfit says, girlfriend. Daddy's girl! Are you a Daddy's girl like your big sister, Ella?" Kamala asks Ivy in a babyfied voice while bouncing her up and down in her arms.

Ivy giggles and smiles happily at her Mama.

"Oh she sure is! And Devi is a Mama's boy!" Doug says as Devi runs over.

"Hiiii!" Devi says as he smiles.

"Hi! We are talking about you!" Doug says as Kamala laughs.

"Wuv you, Mommy!" Devi says as Doug picks him up and gives his mom a kiss.

"I love you too, baby! Let's get your shoes off okay?" Kamala says as Devi nods, walking over to Doug.

Doug takes off Devi's shoes and places them on the ground.

"There you go, bud!" Doug says with a smile.

"Tank you!" Devi says with a smile, hugging Doug and Doug hugs him back.

"You're welcome!" Doug says to Devi as he smiles at Kamala and Ivy.

Just then, Kamala gets a text from her sister Maya, letting them know they'll be landing in DC soon!

"Auntie Maya, Grandpa and Meena are almost here! The plane is going to land here soon!" Kamala says as Devi jumps up and down while Ivy squeals happily.

"Someone is picking them up, right?" Doug asks Kamala.

"Yes, I have Secret Service going to pick them up. I don't want to have a reunion in front of the press on the tarmac. You know how many articles that can turn into." Kamala says as Doug nods in agreement.

"Right. That's definitely the right call you made, sweety." Doug says.

"How about we go get the art projects you and Ivy made for Grandpa? With help from Daddy and I of course." Kamala says to her son.

"YES!" Devi says as he gets excited.

"Aaaaa!" Ivy babbles happily.

"The art crafts came out really good! I'm sure Grandpa is going to absolutely enjoy them." Doug says with a big grin.

"Let's go get ready for Grandpa's arrival." Kamala says as they and the kids do some last minute preparations for Grandpa Donald, Auntie Maya, and cousin Meena's arrivals.


Kamala and Doug are sitting on the couch while they watch Ivy and Devi play with their toys together.

Kamala's iPhone dings and it is Meena texting that they are on the way to the house.

"They are on their way, Dougie." Kamala says softly to Doug as she holds his hand.

"Are you excited or nervous?" Doug asks Kamala, kissing her hand.

"Both." Kamala says softly back.

"That's a valid feeling to have. I'm here for you, sweety. I know today is going to be a day full of feelings and I want you to know I am proud of you for doing this." Doug says to Kamala.

"I know, Dougie. And no doubt Mom would be proud too." Kamala says as she looks at a picture of her mom and dad that's on the end table.

"She is proud of you and Maya every single day." Doug says, kissing Kamala's cheek.

Ivy and Devi giggle loudly at their block tower falling down, causing Kamala and Doug to smile at their kids playing nicely together.

"Did you imagine that we'd have two kids at the ages we are now?" Doug asks his wife as Devi and Ivy build their tower again.

"And being the Second family of the United States on top of that? Not a chance." Kamala answers back in response.

"Me either, but I love every single second of it." Doug says as he brings Kamala close and Kamala places her head on Doug's shoulder.

"Here, sissy!" Devi says as he hands Ivy a bunny rabbit for her to cuddle.

"Bun!" Ivy says as she holds her bunny close.

Devi grabs a teddy bear to hold and he hugs it tightly.

"Our sweet babies! Auntie KeKe got those for them not that long ago." Doug says with a smile.

"I feel like these two will have so many stuffed animals." Kamala says as he laughs loudly.

"Ella and Cole had a lot growing up so I'm sure Devi and Ivy will follow suit." Doug says with a grin.

Ivy and Devi giggle loudly again, causing Doug and Kamala to smile.

Thirty minutes later, the door bell rings.

"Door bell rwinging!" Devi says as he jumps up and excitement.

"It is! Auntie Maya, Meena and Grandpa are here!" Doug says as Devi gets excited.

"Yay!" Ivy says as she claps her hands happily.

"He's here." Kamala says softly and Doug nods holding her hand.

"Let's all greet them at the door." Doug says as he, Kamala, Devi and Ivy all walk over to the front door.

to be continued

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