Chapter 25: Marry Me?

Start from the beginning

The persistent hum of medical equipment provided a disconcerting backdrop to Rehaan's tireless efforts. Despite the clinical atmosphere, he sought to infuse the space with warmth and familiarity. He brought in photographs of Reena, capturing moments of joy and laughter that painted a vivid portrait of the woman fighting for her life.

It was during one of his restless nights, fueled by a mixture of concern and determination, that an idea took root in Rehaan's mind. He remembered the upcoming wedding in Reena's family, an event she would have attended if not for her current predicament. That realization sparked a plan to bring a piece of the celebration to her hospital room.

Rehaan discreetly reached out to Reena's family, explaining his intention to create a live feed of the wedding so that Reena could virtually partake in the joyous occasion. With their reluctant approval, he went to great lengths to set up cameras at strategic locations within the wedding venue, ensuring that every significant moment would be captured.

On the day of the wedding, the hospital room transformed into a makeshift control center, wires and screens connecting Reena to the festivities she couldn't physically attend. Rehaan monitored the live feed, adjusting cameras and angles to provide the most immersive experience for Reena.

The hospital room, bathed in the glow of screens, became a portal to a world beyond the sterile walls. The vibrant colors of the wedding, the infectious rhythm of music, and the laughter of guests flowed through the live feed, creating a bridge between the celebration and the confined space of the hospital.

As the wedding unfolded, Rehaan observed Reena's reactions, hoping to see a glimmer of joy amidst the challenges she faced. The live footage allowed her to witness her sister's joyous moments, the rituals, and the camaraderie of friends and family coming together.

In the midst of the festivities, Rehaan took a moment to step outside the hospital room. He could hear the distant strains of music and laughter, a stark contrast to the subdued atmosphere within. The weight of the responsibility he carried pressed on him, but the thought of bringing a piece of the celebration to Reena provided a fleeting sense of relief.

Returning to the room, Rehaan noticed a subtle change in Reena's expression. Though still unconscious, her features softened, and a hint of a smile played on her lips. It was a small but significant victory, a testament to the power of connection and the lengths to which love could bridge the gaps imposed by circumstances.

As the wedding festivities drew to a close, Rehaan sat by Reena's bedside, the live feed now replaced by a recording of the day's highlights. The room, once again bathed in the sterile glow of medical equipment, held a quiet serenity.

In that moment, Rehaan realized the importance of creating meaningful connections in the face of adversity. The live feed had allowed Reena to be a part of a celebration she would have otherwise missed, offering a brief respite from the challenges of her medical condition.

As he sat there, watching over Reena, he couldn't shake the heaviness in his heart. The road ahead was uncertain, and the shadows of the past lingered. Yet, in the glow of the screens that had brought the wedding to life, Rehaan found a renewed sense of purpose — a commitment to navigating the complexities of life, love, and loss with unwavering determination.


The hospital room, adorned with carefully arranged flowers, soft lighting, and an air of anticipation, stood as a testament to Rehaan's unwavering commitment. He had meticulously planned every detail, pouring his heart into creating an atmosphere that transcended the sterile confines of the medical facility. As the evening approached, the room transformed into a haven of warmth and intimacy.

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