Chapter Thirty: Apartment Party.

Start from the beginning

If you don't, it's Michelle Torres.

My boyfriend, Caleb, had planned to throw me a birthday party at the apartment I share with my two best friends, Amber Williams and Mia Johnson. I had given Caleb the key to the apartment to help him set things up but I didn't inform Mia 'cause I know she wouldn't let it happen.

She hates my boyfriend and the idea of a party in our apartment.

I told Amber 'cause I know she'd be cool with it.

I had just said some harsh things that I shouldn't have said to Mia.

"What did you do that for? Why'd you say those things to Mia?" Amber asks.

"I don't know....I just got angry." I say.

"You just got angry?" Amber asks.

"Yes. I really feel bad about Mia's attitude towards all these. It doesn't seem fair." I say.

"You do realize that this whole arrangement is not so cool and you know Mia may be right. You can't totally blame her for her attitude towards it and even towards Caleb. We both know Caleb is a jerk and that Mia can never be cool with jerks. You shouldn't have said all those things you said to her." Amber says.

"But what do I do now?" I ask.

"You should go and apologize to her and also convince her to join the party because with the way things just turned out, I'm not sure Mia is gonna take part in this party and it'd only make you feel worse if your best friend misses your birthday party that's going on few steps away from where she is. Apologize to her and persuade her to participate a little in the party." Amber says.

"Will she forgive me though?" I ask.

"Even if she doesn't, it's still worth a try. Now come on, let's go and apologize to Mia 'cause I owe her one too." Amber says.

"Okay.....sure....let's do it." I say as I open the door to enter inside the apartment.

I hope Mia forgives me for being such a bitch few moments ago.

Mia's POV...........

On reaching my room, I see my door not so open but not closed like I left it before.

Let it not be what I'm thinking.

I enter the room and see a guy and a girl making out, almost stripping themselves....on my bed.

Exactly what I thought...

They see me and pause.

"Get out." I say with a stern voice.

They both stand from my bed and makes their way to the door. I bang the door after them.

This is insane.

My room had just turned to a room for strangers to come and run their private businesses.

I walk towards my bed and stretch out the part where the couple had scattered. I sit on the bed and bury my face into my palms.

I guess I was fortunate enough to come into the room before things starts getting serious between those two.

I suddenly hear my door open.

"Whoever you're....get lost. This isn't a room to come and start stripping yourselves." I say without looking up.

"Mia...." I hear Michelle's voice call out.

I lift my head and see both her and Amber at the door.

"What're you doing in here? Shouldn't you be partying by now?" I ask.

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