Alternate Ending

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This is an alternate ending to Ace Combat: Stricken Soul...inspired entirely by the final scene from the first Fast And Furious film. Don't sue me, Universal.

Following the end of the lighthouse war, Luca sat at a red traffic light in his light blue 1968 Dodge Charger, the car was something his father had left him when after he died during the Continental War. During the lighthouse war, he had lost everything he held dear when Erusea was, Luca had one last thing to do.

A familiar white E92 BMW 335i then arrived and stopped alongside the vintage mopar. It was Rosa, Luca looked over to her, and he saw the distressed look in her eyes, "I used to drag here back when I was in the Air Force Academy....that railway crossing is exactly a quarter mile away from here. On green, i'm going for it."

Cossette could sense that Luca intended to end his life. She puts her BMW into first gear and revs the turbocharged inline-six just as Luca revs the 493ci V8.

Rosa's grip on the steering wheel tightens, her knuckles turning white. She looks at Luca, as he glares at her and floors it. She's shocked for a moment before she looks forward and steps on her gas. Rosa knows that this is what Luca wants, and he's determined. The light turns green and the Charger does a wheelie as it launches. The Charger pulls ahead because of its horsepower and torque advantage.

Rosa presses the red nitrous button on her steering wheel and she pulls alongside Luca, pushing her BMW over 180 kilometers an hour. The princess' eyes shine brightly from her adrenaline as she's now neck and neck with Luca's Charger.

Up ahead, the railroad gate comes down and the distinct horn of an approaching locomotive can be heard off in the distance. Luca looked at his rapidly rising temperature gauge and then looked toward Rosa and shifted into the fourth and final gear.

Rosa's eyes widen as a massive train rushes towards them both, she's breathing heavily. The princess feels her heart race, as her eyes dart back and forth while she attempts to focus on her driving and not the train. Her heart starts to pound harder when the train is mere seconds away from both her and Luca, the noise of the train filling the air. With Luca's charger overheating and mere seconds left before a life or death collision, the princess presses the nitrous switch a second time and jumps the tracks alongside the Charger.

Rosa and Luca's eyes locked for a moment, filled with unspoken emotions and memories. It was a silent acknowledgment of the end of their journey together, as they took the intersection up ahead, going their separate ways with bittersweet hearts that would forever hold the weight of what could have been.


Princess Cossette's Bimmer

Luca's '68 Charger

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