The Hunt

401 15 5

July 12th, 2019 08:30 Hours

Rosa traced her finger over the rim of her cup thinking about her moment with Luca when he received the bad news about the fate of his family. This motivated Ionela's curiosity and she wanted to try and figure out what the Princess was thinking and what her true feelings might actually be.

" you have feelings for Luca? Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone." Ionela said while she stirred her tea and took a sip.

"I least that is what my heart tells me. Ever since the first time I met him...I've had this feeling about him. But I was too young at the time...and even if I was of age I would've never done anything to come between him and his family. Now that he's at this point in his life where he's alone and grieving...I want to be there for him." Rosa blushed and looked away.

"What made these feelings surface?"

"I-I don't know. Just seeing him again brought back the memories...but-" She was then interrupted by Ionela.

"You're afraid to confess your feelings?" Ionela asked.

"Yes..." Rosa sighed, "But I'm going to offer him my support because that's what he needs most isn't it?"

"I think you're doing the right thing." Ionela chuckled, "He's just at a difficult point right now and I can understand him. You're aware of what Alma and I went through when we lost our mother."

"I am aware...and having empathy for others is what's important isn't it?"

"How do you really feel about this whole war, Rosa?" Ionela sighed, "Is that Space Elevator really that much of a threat?"

The question took Rosa by surprise and she pursed her lips and looked down at her now empty teacup. She tried to figure out how she was going to respond to Ionela.

"That Space Elevator is what has been continuing Erusea's economic decline and then we must sit and watch as our space program which used to thrive just withers away. Then there's the constant presence of those Arsenal Birds." She sighed, "To be honest...I don't know what to think, Ionela. I can't bring myself to resist my father and every time I speak...I feel that I'm at least doing my part and giving the Erusean people the hope that they need. I feel that I'm doing something good...something noble."

Just as Rosa had finished her sentence, Luca walked into the room with a cup of coffee in hand. He looked as if he hadn't gotten much sleep as yawned before taking a sip from his mug. Rosa quickly got up from her seat and hugged him which took him by surprise.

"Hello, look like you haven't gotten much rest." She said as she looked into his eyes.

"N-No not much. Only about four hours." He yawned and took another sip of his coffee.

"I hope you don't plan on going flying in this state," Ionela added.

"The base commander advised against it so I might take a nap...thanks a lot for your concern though."

Luca raised his mug and tried his best to crack a smile but deep down he was still hurting badly. Then again who could really blame him? He was so tired and beaten from the grief that he lacked the strength to even cry.

"Luca...are you okay?" Rosa asked.

"I'm shouldn't worry so much. I'm just one pilot out of several thousand." He replied.

Rosa's warm smile turned to a pout as she rose from her chair and stood before him. She crossed her arms and looked at him

"Why would you say that? You're a member of Sol Squadron and you're also a friend..." She quickly looked away.

Ace Combat: Stricken Soulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें