Suspicious Mind

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July 21st, 2019

Seymour was walking through the Hallway with a six-pack of beer in his hands that he had bought when he heard some music coming from Luca's room. He banged on the door and Luca quickly changed the track to something more suited to his tastes before opening the door to see Seymour standing at the doorway with the six-pack beer in his hands.

"What in the hell are you listening to?" Seymour asked, amused by Luca's reaction.

"Just some Nirvana! Smells Like Teen Spirit is my favorite track! You're up a bit late by the way." Luca said.

"What do you have in your hand?"

"Oh, this? It's just my phone, man. I'm using it to control my playlist!" Luca said awkwardly.

"No, this..." Seymour replied as he scrolled through Luca's playlists, "Iconic love songs? Oh're in love with Princess Cossette aren't you?"

"Well she's a really nice girl...hell who am I kidding? She's amazing...and I just can't deny my heart what it wants. I know moving on won't be easy but I guess if we take things slowly then we can have something truly special and most of all I really do care for her...and that smile of hers oh man it's just so radiant it."

Luca and Seymour sat down on the floor together and looked at each other. He then pulled a beer out from the pack and offered it to Luca.

"Let's face it, bud you're in love."

"Come on, Seymour you know I'm not a drinker." Luca protested.

"Shut up and drink the freakin' beer will you?" Seymour ordered as he shoved the can into his friend's hand, "Now what track?"

"Number eight..."

The song on the playlist was Can't Smile Without You by Barry Manilow. The two pilots cracked open their beers and began singing along as the song played. With the volume on full blast, Mihaly's granddaughters could hear the music and the singing. The two siblings snuck over to the room and cracked the door open to see Luca and Seymour already getting a bit tipsy as their voices grew louder and louder..

"Did you bring your phone?" Alma whispered to her older sister.

"Yeah, why?" Ionela whispered back.

"Film this and send it to Rosa."

"That's rude, Alma! But it's a great idea." Ionela giggled as she pulled her phone out from her pocket.

With the first song finally over, Luca went over to his iTunes and selected another song. Something more suited for dancing, this time around it was the Macarena a very popular song and dance from a Sapinish dance and pop duo.

"Oooooh, it's been a long time since I've heard this!" Seymour said as he stumbled while trying to stand up.

"Les dance." Luca slurred.

The duo began to dance to the song unaware of the fact that Ionela was filming them. Seymour and Luca performed the dance in a drunken cadence. Alma and Ionela barely managed to contain their laughter as they filmed the two drunken fighter pilots dancing to the Macarena. When she acquired the footage she needed she sent the clip to Rosa via text message and received a reply almost immediately. The two girls exchanged text messages joking about how the boys were dancing and how dated the song was when Rosa finally looked up how old the song really was.

July 23rd, 2019

Mihaly's Granddaughters watched as their Grandfather and Luca inspected their planes for their next mission. As he finished checking his new SU-57's front landing gear strut he moved onto the nose and noticed a small little easter egg painted on it. It was a small Erusean rose emblem similar to the one painted on the Princess Rosa's C-2. The little touch made Luca chuckle and the quality of the work was spot on too.

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