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7/1/2019 Los Canas, Central Usea

With three hundred miles until Los Canas the pilots of Sol Squadron finally met with their tanker and began refueling. This time Luca was now flying an EASA MiG-29A which had recently been overhauled because his Morgan was undergoing some unexpected maintenance.

"All right Sol 6 you're up. Check your plane and prepare for refueling. Just follow my lead and I'll guide you all the way in." The boom operator said.

"So, Sol 6 what's the deal with that ADFX-01 of yours? I'm surprised to see you flying a Fulcrum. Your chances of survival are now slim to none in that thing." Sol 3 said.

"They spotted an oil leak on engine two. A hose might've ruptured or something so I'm using this fine machine until it's fixed...hopefully, Grunder Industries still makes the parts." Luca said with little enthusiasm as he extended the MiG-29's refueling probe.

"1,500 meters to tanker."

Luca continued to inch closer and closer to the tanker until the probe was close enough to the drogue. With proper precision, he placed the probe into the basket and the boom operator began refueling.

"Great work, sol 6! Commencing refueling."

With the refueling complete. Sol Squadron continued their journey to the mission area and upon arrival received their objectives from AWACS Roxman.

"Alright listen up. As said in the briefing, your mission is to engage the Osean fighters and defend the supply lines. You will be supporting Refil Squadron in this effort. If this mission fails then our soldiers will soon starve. Drones will be present as well for additional support." Roxman said.

"Tell us something we don't know. Tell us why you decided to bring the greenest pilot along for us to babysit when you could've brought Roald or Hermann or better yet just the three of us." Sol 3 added.

"How many times must I repeat myself?" Mihaly asked, "I see potential in Sol 6 and because of this I am willing to take him on as an apprentice just as I did with Yellow 13 and Yellow 6 before him."

Luca was in shock when he heard the callsign Yellow 6, "Whoa whoa hold on!" Luca exclaimed, "You trained my father!? What was he like in the air?"

"We'll speak more about this when we return to base." Mihaly replied, "Right now we have a job to do."

They finally arrived in the mission area and things were not looking good. Osean fighters had already done a number on the allied ground units and the allied fighters were doing their best to fight back against the Oseans. There was still a chance at victory though but the way things were it was looking slim if they didn't act fast.

"Sol Squadron! Thank goodness you arrived, this is Refil One...we've done the best we could to keep the Oseans and IUN at bay but we just don't have the manpower. Perhaps with your help, we can turn the tide."

"That's why we're here..." Mihaly said.

"We've got bandits on our twelve...Sol 2 engaging." Wit said.

"Sol 3 engaging," Seymour said.

"Sol 6 engaging. Let's get this done and go home, boys." Luca said.

"Not liking that Fulcrum, Sol 6?" Wit asked.

"Not one bit...this particular example is old and dust and despite it being overhauled. I have no idea whether or not it'll break apart in mid-air because the airframe is already clapped out."

Mihaly sighed in annoyance, "All of you quiet down...we're nearing the mission area. I need you to remain focused." He said.

Within a half an hour Sol squadron was in the mission area. The pilots quickly broke formation and Sol 6 selected the 4AAM and selected four targets. He fired the missiles and much to his surprise they managed to take out a flight of Osean F-18s and F-16s.

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