Defending Shilage

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The following morning was so far was uneventful yet very stressful at Shilage Castle. They had breakfast and awaited their orders while the planes were re-armed for combat. Luca tried his best to enjoy an Erusean military ration instead of the food he was normally used to. It was better than nothing though considering how bleak the situation is.

Nevertheless, the pilots of Sol Squadron gathered around the long cherrywood table and conversed like usual. The Castle now used as a makeshift base was more of a symbol of a bygone era, a lost kingdom.

"So when do you think the Oseans are going to show up?" Luca asked as he sifted through the contents of his ration pack.

"Who knows?" Seymour answered, "We're down to five planes without Mihaly here. So defending this castle will not be easy and we're guaranteed to be outnumbered when the Oseans finally show up."

"We have to try...we've come too far just to give up." Wit added.

"Wit's right, Seymour. We can't let Mihaly down." Luca said as he started heating up his can of ration Ravioli.

Luca took the first bite of his Ravioli and cringed from the taste of it, "Ugh this tastes like crap..."

"Things have gone to hell anyway. Since Farbanti fell, Erusean forces had splintered into smaller factions are fighting each other as we speak. Thankfully some of these guys are on our side...And the Princess well only God knows where she is. According to friendly communications, her plane was shot down over Tyler Island." Seymour said, "I should've transferred to SACS when I had the chance..."

Luca nearly choked on his food when he heard the status of the Princess. Wit quickly came to his rescue and slapped his back multiple times until Luca coughed up what he had in his mouth.

"I-Is she okay!? Did you guys hear anything else!?"

"Whoa relax!" Seymour replied, "Don't jump to conclusions! Your senses need to be at their peak if you want to survive up there!"

"Y-You're right." Luca sighed, tossing his leftover breakfast into the trash can.

As Luca was about to sit back down. The air raid sirens started to blare and the roar of jet engines along with the sound of anti-aircraft guns began to shake the chandeliers in the dining hall as allied planes took off to engage the enemy. The Oseans had finally arrived and were already engaging the Erusean aircraft.

"Looks like they're here..." Wit said, "Let's go!"

Seymour and Luca nodded and followed behind their leader. They through the halls of the castle and into the tunnel to their planes and proceded with the startup procedures. Due to a shortage of weapons, Luca's SU-57 was loaded with more conventional 4AAM missiles as its special weapon instead of the Pulse Lasers.

"Cancel take off. Sol Squadron, stand by." The Erusean Air Traffic Controller ordered.

"Negative. This battle will be over if we don't get up there along with all hope of restoration." Wit said as he applied throttle, "Don't worry. As long as we accelerate inside the tunnel, they won't be able to shoot us down that easily."

The pilots applied full afterburner and their aircraft rocketed forward. There was no margin for error as one mistake would lead to multiple planes crashing on takeoff as well as a massive chain reaction if the fuel and ammunition supplies exploded. Once airborne the Sol Squadron pilots broke formation and engaged the LRSSG.

"Good luck Sol Squadron!" The Air Traffic Controller shouted over the radio.

"You must be the Snowbirds. It's quite absurd for you to be talking so tough after losing one of your leaders in Farbanti." Wit Insulted.

"You bastard!" Cyclops 2 hissed.

"You defiled this country. As long as you're here, this country and its people will never know peace." Wit huffed.

"Easy for you to say..." Trigger added, "Your country was the one that started this war and we're here to end it. There's no way in hell we're leaving here."

Trigger engaged Sol squadron with his F-22 and targeted Sol 4. He fired a burst from his 20mm cannon and ripped off the SU-30M2's wing easily confirming the kill.

"I'm hit! Ejecting!"

"Sol 4's down!" Seymour said.

"I see his chute! He's safe!" Luca blurted.

"Let's pray he makes it to safety." Wit replied.

Not soon after Hermann was shot down, Roald was the next one to fall prey to Trigger. He fired two missiles at the SU-30M2 its pilot tried to evade. It was no use as the missiles impacted the rear of the fighter and ripped off the rear stabilizers and wings.

"Roald's been hit! Thankfully he's ejected." Seymour said.

With just Wit, Luca and Seymour remaining. Mihaly himself finally arrived making his presence known by firing a high speed projectile in an attempt to shoot down Strider one. Mihaly was no longer flying his SU-30 but instead, the best Erusea had to offer. The new X-02S Strike Wyvern. With this plane and with Mihaly's skills he would easily have the skills to take on Three Strikes.

"I'm testing this aircraft...You must find your own sky." Mihaly said stoically.

"We can still help you," Wit said.

"If we can work together we can beat them, Mihaly!" Luca added.

"Don't waste your lives. Dedicate it to reclaiming that which you call home. Furthermore, you must find someone to guide you... I am not that person. And Wit... continue to educate Sol 6 and help him hone his skills. Perhaps one day he will surpass us both."

"Mihaly..." Wit bowed his head and paused briefly, "Voslagian Squadron will be retreating. Those fighting below are advised to temporarily withdraw, that means you too, Sol 6. Don't die. As long as we're alive, our hopes and dreams can continue to live on."

Luca contemplated whether or not to follow Wit's orders or stay and fight alongside Mihaly. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and sighed deeply and joined formation with Wit and Seymour. The trio quickly left Voslagian airspace and headed for friendly territory to regroup with the allies they had left.

"So we're just going to leave him behind to fight Three Strikes and his friends?" Luca asked, his voice showing a hint of sadness, "It's as if we're abandoning our own father...the man who raised us."

"I understand exactly how you feel, Sol 6 but this is what Mihaly wanted and we simply cannot reject his wishes." Wit confessed.

"Keep your chin up, Sol've done well these past few years. Mihaly would be proud...don't feel like you abandoned him. Because that's the exact opposite of what we did..." Seymour added.

Ace Combat: Stricken SoulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang