Fall of Farbanti

351 10 3

September 19th 2019

Osea was on a large winning streak as of late. They had succeeded in wiping out the Njord Fleet and destroying the Arsenal Bird Liberty by utilizing one of the old Stonehenge railguns which drastically reduced Erusea's ability to retain air superiority over the Usean continent and defend Gunther Bay as Arsenal Bird Justice alone wouldn't have the range to compensate. With the Arsenal Bird threat handled the Osean military then launched a successful surprise attack led by the infamous three Strikes and the LRSSG to destroy their IRBM launch silos. With Erusea's final offensive capabilities destroyed they then triumphed in taking the Air Force Base in Cape Rainy. Meanwhile, Doctor Schroeder was still evaluating Mihaly's data to compare how his skills evolved from when he was younger to himself as a pilot now.

"Hey, Ionela...you okay?" Luca asked.

Ionela let out a deep sigh and looked at him. He could see the anger in her eyes because of the suffering the Doctor was putting her Grandfather through.

"Not really. The Doctor recently ordered a new flight suit for Grandfather. It is supposed to make it easier for him to tolerate the G forces and yet I find that hard to believe. Grandfather remains indifferent, unfortunately..."

"That's Mihaly for you...deep down he loves you and Alma but the sky is something pretty dear to him as well." Luca sighed and placed his hand on Ionela's shoulder, "Look, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Me and the others have got your Grandpa's back. Things are heating up right now for Erusea so we'll have to depart for the capital soon."

"I've heard...just be safe. It would devastate Rosa if she lost you."

"We can beat them if we put the effort into it. I had the mechanics buff up my SU-57 a little bit after replacing the wing. It should surprise even Three Strikes himself." Luca said as he cleaned the sun visor on his flight helmet.

"Don't worry, I believe in you."

Before Luca could answer Ionela. Doctor Schroeder's assistant, Massa arrived to inform the pilot that Mihaly and the others were waiting for him on the ramp.

"It's time to go, sir." The young assistant said, "Don't worry I'll make sure Mihaly's Grandchildren are looked after."

"Okay...good." Was all Luca could say.

Luca arrived at the parking area. Mihaly and the others were already geared up and ready for action. Luca's SU-57 and the rest of Sol Squadron's SU-30M2's were loaded with air to air ordinance while Mihaly's SU-30SM was loaded with anti-ship missiles. This would be the toughest battle and this time Mihaly was prepared with the new flight suit that Schroeder had provided him with.

"So what's the plan? Things are looking quite bleak." Wit said.

"We will rendezvous with Roald and Hermann and head for the battlefield. The Oseans may think that their victory is imminent but with all that I have taught you we can turn the tide of battle." Mihaly said in his usual stoic manner.

"Let's do this." Seymour said.

"Onwards to victory!" Luca added, raising an imaginary broadsword which made his wingmen chuckle.

The pilots boarded their planes and strapped themselves in. Once the ground crews removed the boarding ladders they began the startup procedures. With the planes ready to taxi they headed to the runway. Mihaly's Granddaughters watched as the planes taxied down the taxiway and waved goodbye to their Grandfather and his wingmen. Mihaly and Luca waved back while the others remained focused on the task at hand and checked their instruments. Once at the runway the four planes took off in perfect two-ship formations and headed for Farbanti once again. The flight would be intense and would put Sol Squadron to the ultimate test as they would be Erusea's ace in the hole in this desperate time.

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