Sol vs. Mobius

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July 14th, 2019

Luca finally managed to get a good nights sleep and awoke feeling refreshed when the alarm clock on his phone went off at 6:30 am. He remembered the moment he shared with Rosa and couldn't help but let out a smile as he climbed out of his bed and headed into the bathroom to shower and get changed into his flight suit.

After the mission over Yinshi Valley, Mihaly was in a bad state physically leaving Sol 2 to command the squadron. The gloves were going to be coming off and the high command would now be authorizing Sol Squadron to conduct high-risk operations against the enemy. The pilots arrived at the briefing room and reviewed the information that Commander Russo had for them before taking their seats.

"Alright everyone pay attention." Russo said, "Today your usual operational procedures will be different. Your flight lead, Sol 1 is currently out of action so today Wit will take his place as the flight lead. Are there any problems with this change?" The Commander asked, looking around the room. Sol Squadron knew that there was no need to object as this was just temporary and Mihaly would be back in action soon enough.

"Okay then, on with the briefing."

"Let's get this over with..." Seymour muttered.

"You will be tasked with going deep into IUN held territory and disrupting IUN-PKF supply lines in Northeastern Usea. The main target is located near Rigley Air Base. Sol 6 will fly ECM support given his Morgan's excellent electronic warfare capabilities while Sol 2 and Sol 3 will attack the targets. Be advised...Mobius Squadron is said to be present in the mission area as well. If the intel is true then do not engage just run, you're dismissed."

The three pilots rose from their chairs and left the room. Before getting their gear they grabbed a cup of coffee and looked over the intel.

"So...can anybody see the irony with all this? Rigley Airbase was a base that Erusea held during the Continental War fifteen years ago before ISAF retook it and now we're going to attack it." Seymour couldn't help but laugh. He remembered the Continental War well including Voslage's annexation by the Erusean government.

"According to the intel we're supposed to inflict as much damage as possible on the base as well as the surrounding area." Wit said unenthusiastically.

Thankfully the weather for today's mission would be clear which meant smooth sailing until the missiles started flying. The three pilots walked to their planes and began the preflight checks to make sure that their planes were in good working order.

With no issues found they climbed into the cockpits and closed the canopies then began the startup procedures. The auxiliary power units began to spool up and soon the engines began to come to life as the turbines spooled up. With the engines at operating temperature, the pilots set their radios to the designated frequency and prepared to taxi.

Wit pressed the mic button on the flight stick and contacted the tower, "Sol 2, requesting taxi to runway 21." He said.

"This is the control tower. You are cleared to taxi, Sol 2."

Wit gently applied throttle and let off the brakes and his SU-30M2 rolled forward. He turned left and taxied past Seymour who followed behind him as he passed.

"Sol 3, rolling." He announced.

When Seymour was a safe enough distance away, Luca followed behind him as well.

"Sol 6, rolling." He said in a somewhat excited tone.

"Well isn't this surprising?" Seymour chuckled, "It looks like Alessio here is excited about something...could it involve a certain Princess?"

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