Aces United

448 12 1

October 31st, 2019

The battle over Gunther Bay was already in full swing when the LRSSG arrived. Osea and Erusean rebels had formed a coalition against the radical factions to bring an end to the war. Sol Squadron was already arriving at the mission area when the Osean HQ began broadcasting on an open channel.

"To all of you who have gathered here, regardless of your country. This is headquarters of the Osean Army Southern Command. Wait, you can forget that designation. We are a coalition formed exclusively for the sole purpose of taking down the Arsenal Bird. Wait until we're ready to strike the Arsenal Bird in unison." The Osean HQ Commander said.

"What's he doing speaking on an open channel? The enemy can hear everything he's saying!" Strider Two complained.

"There's no other choice. The Erusean aircraft are in the coalition as well." Strider Three replied.

As Strider Squadron began engaging the enemy. A familiar voice crackled over the radio...the Experimental squadron had finally shown up but this time as friends.

"This is Sol 2. Republic of Voslage are also moving to rendezvous." Wit said.

"There's only one Squadron though," Seymour added.

"Sol 6 here...never in my life did I think I'd be flying on the same side as Three Strikes himself..." Luca said, "Guess fate has a strange way of bringing us all together."

"Count! Ease up, engagement is forbidden." Long Caster ordered.

"Don't worry, I know. We need every bird we can call upon. Even if they were flying with the guy that killed Wiseman..."

"They manned aircraft leading UAVs in slave mode." Wit confirmed.

While the fight raged on overhead. An unknown voice began broadcasting via a signal from the space elevator. She had with her a list of goals she wanted to be met in order to end the war.

"Okay. commencing transmission. I'm speaking over both terrestrial and video transmission networks. It's not important who I... no who we are. First, our goals. Destroy the space elevator. Second, we want power to the drone factory cut in order to put a stop to all of the war and chaos that its products cause. And last, we want to put an end to this pointless war that has given rise to a state of anarchy." The woman said, "Let me tell you what's going on right now. The land is overrun with refugees who have lost their homes. This is no isolated incident. In spite of that, the war continues to rage on overhead. Hey Cossette...say hello."

"Hello everyone!" Princess Cossette said.

That transmission really hit home with Luca. This war was no longer about Erusea but about ending a war that had claimed countless lives including those close to him. But hearing the Princess's voice motivated him.

She's safe! He thought to himself.

With this motivation, Luca was fighting at peak efficiency. Helping his wingmen take down the drones and bandits and even showing Three Strikes what he was capable of. The fun was cut short though when a blue burst of light took over the horizon destroying several planes.

"Looks like they're getting slick with those Helios missiles eh?" Luca chuckled, "How cute.."

The surviving pilots continued to dodge the cruise missile attacks from the Arsenal Bird until it was finally time to strike. With the Arsenal Bird within range. The Osean-Erusean coalition along with OMDF naval vessels launched every missile they had on onboard in a massive saturation attack. The missiles tracked towards the big unmanned bird until suddenly it powered on its Active Protection System and deflected the missiles.

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