CH 5.3 The Attack Begins

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To Alex's surprise, despite all the frantic activity during the day, once the sun set, everyone disappeared quickly. She told Rile that as they walked to their tent.

"Night before a big battle? Of course, everyone's gone to their tents. What did you expect?"

"True, a good night's sleep is needed before fighting," Alex admitted.

Rile roared with laughter. "Sleep? Is that what you think? They don't know if they are going to live past tomorrow morning. Sleep is not what is on their minds."


"Let me give you a hint, O' Naïve One. There will be a lot of nesting in a few weeks," Rile said with a wink.

"Oh!" Alex reddened.

How thick-headed can I be?

Rile opened the tent flap. "I always did like to retire early."

"Me, too. I'm exhausted and going right to sleep," Alex teased, stretching her arms over her head.

"No, you're not." Rile tickled a claw where he knew Alex was especially sensitive.

She squealed and batted at his hand. "Stop! You've made me make a girlie noise! I hate that!"

They both laughed, and he hugged her. Then they entered the tent and settled in for the night in the cozy confines of their tent.

Alex's laughter echoed outside the tent, and Gabe peered out of a gap in the canvas flap. He watched his brother, Rile, wrap his arms around Alex. A heavy silence fell over Gabe, and Cale's voice broke through it like a bellow from an iron pipe.

"Gabe, close the tent flap and go to sleep." When Gabe ignored him, Cale added a stern warning. "I swear, if you do not lie down, I will go over there right now, tell Alex, and she will blast you to sleep."

Gabe remained still for a moment before speaking. "That used to be me sleeping next to Alex." His voice was quiet and hollow.

Cale stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know. Go to sleep."

"I wish—" Gabe said, but he was cut off by Cale's response.

"What, brother, that you could change the past? You can't. That you aren't the one who has to be Clan Head and do the right thing? The responsible thing? You were hatched for it," Cale said solemnly.

Gabe snorted. "Rights and responsibilities. They make cold bed partners." He lay down.

Cale pushed his back against his somber older brother's. "Tonight, perhaps, but not forever."


Rile gently shook Alex, trying to rouse her from the depths of sleep. With a groan, Alex opened one eye and surveyed the darkness still cloaking the room.

"It's too early," she muttered, swatting away his hand.

"I know."

Alex put her glowing hands on Rile's arm with a mischievous grin. "If I do this, can I stay in bed longer?"

Rile's laughter filled the air, a laugh that was edged with sadness. "I wish I could say yes. But Gabe wants you to fly sweeps before the sun comes up."

"Before dawn? Even those fire truck Anolis females waited until the sun was high before they attacked," Alex grumbled.

Rile kissed her on the forehead. His claws ran through her hair in a gentle caress, but his touch held an underlying urgency. "I know it's hard, love. But we can make it through this together. Please, just remember that." He kissed her again, a slow kiss that felt like an embrace, and nuzzled her neck.

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