chapter 60- Epilouge

Start from the beginning

As he held out the bundle and unwrapped it, it was revealed to be a blade without a handle. One much smaller than any of their knives.

“Kion?” Elazar breathed before stepping forward. As he staggered I rushed forward to help support him and Roku moved closer holding out the blade. 

“It's traditional for the blade of one who has passed on, to be given to the next of kin or family but seeing that he had no true blood kin…”

“We are the closest thing.” Elazar finished while staring at the blade solemnly.

After a moment he did his best to straighten himself and hold his hands out to accept it. Roku gently placed the knife in his hands and backed away and looked towards me.

“Although his body is gone, may his blade still ever protect you.” 

Rokus words caught me a bit off guard as he bowed and turned away to leave. 

“Roku!” El called out, making the man stop in his tracks and glance back. “Thank you.”

He was silent as he pulled his gaze away and lowered his head in shame. “I deserve no thanks… farewell brother.”

With that, Roku disappeared into the forest.

--End flashback–

Taking a deep breath I took my hand off the knife and ran to catch up with Elazar. “Hold up! Didn't you say there was a river nearby?”

He gave me a questioning glance with one brow arched before looking to the east. “Yes, I believe it is over there. But why do you wish to know-”

“Bet you can't catch me before I get there!” I rushed towards the direction he noted, jumping over rocks and through bushes. 

“Kora wait!” El shouted after me before giving chase. 

I laughed and continued running towards the treeline where the river banks lay just beyond. But before I could break through, I was tackled to the ground and shielded by very familiar strong arms. 

Once we came to a complete stop Elazar released me and sat upright looking at me like I was crazy. “You cannot go running off to play in the river! What if someone sees you!” 

I sulked and turned my gaze away defiantly. “I just wanted to bathe-”

“Kora you know rivers are more frequented by wild animals and people! It's too dangerous!” Groaning I pushed elazar off me to sit upright. 

“You're so strict sometimes.”

“and you are too reckless.” 

We both glared at each other for a long moment before grabbing one another and kissing. As I grabbed Elazar's horns he grabbed my hips pulling me closer. 

After a long heated kiss we finally broke apart for some air and I gasped panting. “at least you're a good kisser.” I teased before smiling at him.

“I'm good at more than just kissing–” He whispered while leaning in once again.

The sound of a feminine voice startled us both and we immediately shot upright looking towards the river. Peering through the bushes we saw a dragon-like creature standing in the river. A xian I think it was called?

As the creature stood there, seeming anything but happy it suddenly decided to shake itself like a dog to remove the water from its feathers then took off running into the forest, revealing a person who had been standing beside it in the river.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw pale skin and long white hair. That person was human, but on top of that it was another woman. 

“Nezu!” she shouted after the creature after being left alone, standing in the river, naked. 

“A female?” Elazar muttered confused and immediately I slapped my hand over his eyes to keep him from looking at the naked girl. 

This seemed to irritate him slightly as he pulled my hand away and glared at me. I glared back at him before mouthing the word ‘privacy’ at him then looked back at the girl.

She huffed before returning her attention to the river and bathing herself. El also looked but he was less intrigued by her appearance and more worried.

“How do you think she managed to tame that xian?”

“I am not sure…We should go–” he whispered quietly. 

“What?” I looked back at him confused as he glanced around at our surroundings. 

“We are in unknown territory, there could be others of my kind around, that female calling out might draw them here, we need to leave.”

“But that means she's in danger too! We can't just leave her!”  I looked to the girl who was still washing off in the river, completely exposed out in the open, like a shining beacon. “She's completely oblivious to the danger! And who knows if that xian will even come back!”

Elazar ran his hand over his face in frustration. “It's dangerous! She may panic like you did with our first meeting!”

I stared at the girl intently seeing how small defenseless she was. If even a single hunter saw her and decided she was a threat. They'd kill her. 

“Then we take her with us. You grab her ill grab her clothes. We pull her out of sight and use the sleeping powder on her so she doesn't kick up a fuss and make too much noise. Then we get the hell out of dodge and we introduce ourselves when she wakes, far from earshot of any wandering hunters.

“That is too dangerous kora!” 

“I'm not leaving her! Look at her she wouldn't make it 5 seconds if someone caught her! I have to do something. Are you going to help me or not?

We stared each other down, neither of us wanting to give in to the other.

After a long tense moment Elazar cursed under his breath and stood up. 

“Fine. But at the first sign of danger you run.” he caved.

I smiled at him before standing up and patting his head. 

“You know that'll never happen... “

(Note: Whoopi full circle! Man that was wild, honestly this is probably my favorite story that I've written so far! I absolutely loved koras character and energy, and elazar! They fit so well together~ I'm still just as devastated about kion as you all are 😔 he deserved so much more, but I couldn't just let him suddenly go with them when he has 0 presence in LTF and there's no way any of them would have left him behind.

Elazars origin story was always a tragic one, even since I first introduced them in LTF. He had a hard time believing that a tribe would allow a human to live with them after his past experiences. And everything that happened between these two formed the bond that they have in LTF so these things, this pain, was necessary. Idk whether this should be considered a happy or sad ending, (probably both) but I will say it's the first time I've actually killed off a character that wasn't a villain so it hurt 😭 rip little kion. I'm so sorry 😭

That being said I hope you all will  join me in the next story. You all gotta meet kora and alitas babies still. And find out how alita managed to come back. 🥰 thank you all for the love and please don't forget to comment or review! I'm gonna start doing some heavy edits so you can all look forward to those updates as well for LTF and RotF! And the new art commission I'll be getting for az&alita 😉I think I wanna get one done for all 3 boys as well because how can you not want to see nanku/xeith and our dear baby, kion.

For those of you who are interested, ill be doing a free read event for LTF on 12/14/23 for 3-5 days so don't Miss out!

Love you all!~

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