chapter 44

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Yawning I lazily poked the embers of the campfire in front of me with a stick. I woke up a while ago but elazar had already left. No doubt to visit his tribe. 

We agreed that I would stay here until he returned so there really wasn't much for me to do besides sit here and wait. Looking around I could see tree lizards frolicking about, up above in the trees.

A particular pair that were nuzzling and playing together caught my attention and I couldn't help but watch. Seeing the creatures showing such affections reminded me of Elazar.

Sometimes he would nuzzle the side of my head with his own and even purr or make strange inhuman noises. I guess that should be expected from an alien but I still can't help but be surprised by how different he really is.

My gaze moved back to the dying embers of the campfire as I rested my head on my arm. The first time we met I was terrified, it was like I was staring down an unpredictable dangerous animal… in a sense I was, El could have easily killed or hurt me at that moment especially in the state I was in.

His kind isn't fond of humans so he had no reason to help me but he did, he looked past the differences between us and took care of me. He was so patient with me even as I fought against him. 

His determination to help me out was unlike anything I've ever seen in a person.  He had no reason to do so, no reward, he just did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. How could anyone be so selfless?

Sighing I tried combing my fingers through my hair only to stop when I felt a knot. Tracing my hand over my head I felt the braid that Elazar had left behind. 

Maybe it's because he did have a reason, he needed me just as much as I needed him even if we didn't realize it at the time. I've seen the way he reacts, how he blames himself for every little mishap, how he denounces himself for no reason.

He doesn't go into much detail but it's clear  he was suffering. I think taking care of me distracted him from that pain and gave him a purpose. I on the other hand felt like I needed to isolate myself in order to continue on living. I felt I couldn't trust anyone but myself, that if I let my guard down I would just get hurt again.

El proved me wrong he showed me that I didn't have to go it alone. He showed me what love really was.

I smiled and closed my eyes. Who would've thought being stranded on an alien planet would lead to love?

The sound of rustling made my head shoot up as I grabbed my knife, now on high alert. My heart started to race as the sound drew closer and I could see something approaching. 

I gripped the knife handle tightly in my good hand and carefully stood up. 

As soon as Elazar broke through the treeline before me I relaxed, lowering the knife. The smile I had before returning to my face. 

Once he saw me he relaxed as well before approaching, without hesitation he suddenly pulled me into a hug, his tail coiling around me as he kissed the top of my head and let out a deep sigh. 

I returned the gesture and we stayed like that for a few moments before pulling away to look at eachother. 

My smile fell a bit and I reached up to touch his cheek as I saw that same pained look in his eyes that he had before. 

Something upsetting must've happened. 

"Are you alright?" I asked in xandisian. El put his hand over mine, nuzzling his head into my touch before gently kissing my fingers. 

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