chapter 30

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"You know I can walk right?" I poked the back of El's shoulder. He hardly reacted and just adjusted his hold on my thighs while continuing forward.

"This is faster." He stated blandly. I pursed my lips glaring at the back of his head. 

"Are you saying I'm slow?" I pushed him to talk more. I've become bored after wandering this cave for hours. And after climbing that rock wall Elazar has refused to set me down and has been carrying me ever since. 

With the glowing crystals overhead it's light enough in here for me to see where we were going but each time I try to point out this detail, he comes up with an excuse to keep carrying me. such as, 'we may come across another wall to climb' or, 'there might be a dark path ahead' or, 'it might be slippery'.

"No, not slow, clumsy." He replied.

I rolled my eyes with a small groan and rested my face against his shoulder. Stubborn alien. After a few moments I couldn't help but notice how his hands seemed to flex a bit while holding onto my legs so close to my bum.

I leaned back some looking down as I started thinking about all his reactions up until now. Curiosity started getting the better of me and I tried pushing myself up a little bit to look over his shoulder to see if I could confirm my suspicions. 

Elazar stopped walking when I tried leaning forward too far and glanced back at me from over his shoulder. "Kora! I will drop you if you keep moving so much!" 

"Then put me down!"

His eyes stayed on me for a few seconds before he readjusted his hold and faced forward to keep walking. "No."

As he adjusted his hold I could practically feel his palms experimentally caressing my legs before giving the slightest squeeze. I even took note of how his tail flicked around a bit more after doing such.

This bastard thinks he's sly! He just wants to carry me so he can feel me up! I glared at the back of his head before an evil idea came to mind. 

I'll just make it so unbearable that he'll have no choice but to let go.

With a whiney voice that would make a toddler cringe I started squirming in Elazar's hold, even going as far as grinding myself against him. "But Elllll!" 

His steps staggered a bit and his form nearly went rigid from such simple actions. "It's getting uncomfrotabbleee! I know it's not ideal to have me walk but my legs are starting to hurt!" I whined more.

I could practically see the internal struggle he was having written all over his face. "Kora-" 

"Pleaseee I promise I won't slow us down I just need a little break from being carried. I know you're trying to be gentle but sitting like this for so long is making me sore! I need to stretch my muscles!" Although I was talking in a mix of English and xandisian I knew he could understand most of what I was saying. And being carried like that for so long really does start to get uncomfortable so I wasn't completely lying.

With a sigh elazar crouched down and let go of me so that I could finally stand on my own two feet again. I hummed happily before stretching my arms above my head while Elazar stood there with his arms crossed over his chest.

I didn't miss how those silver orbs grazed over my body and how he was trying to keep his front turned away from me. I peeked at his ass and tail, and couldn't help the stupid smile that played on my lips. 'That should do it.' 

Had I done this at any other time, in any other place with any other man. I'd probably be thrown into a mental hospital and get called a crazy batch. Hell I'd call myself a crazy bitch! But this isn't earth or krosa and this isn't a human I'm dealing with so normal physical decency doesn't apply here. 

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