chapter 47

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–one week later–


Kion coming back was unexpected to say the least. Though I'm not so sure it's a bad thing, he and Elazar seem to get along pretty well which was surprising to me at first. I had this idea that Elazar was an outcast in his tribe and treated like garbage by everyone, but seeing these two interact and talk, that image has become distorted.

Kion is immature and young still, that much is clear he's hardly taller than me by a few inches and his body is lean. He severely lacks muscles and is a lot more agile than Elazar.

It's interesting to see and meet another of Elazar's kind. I've had zero interaction with anyone from El's tribe and the small exchange I had with other xandisians…well they didn't go so well.

When Kion first found us I didn't know how to react or what to think. Truthfully I was scared. Even if he was just a kid, at that moment everything came to a screeching halt. 

Now that things have calmed down though I'm no longer worried and I think Elazar is a bit more relaxed too. Kion's presence really has lightened the moon amidst the turmoil, worry and other emotions. It's nice to have another friendly face to talk and interact with and El now has some company from his own kind. Someone he can talk and relate with.

Kion helps us with gathering food and supplies during the day and returns to the tribe at night so no one really notices he's gone.  He also notifies us when hunters go out and where they hunt making it easier for us to avoid the other tribes folk. 

We managed to find an animal den we could take shelter in for the time being. It's not nearly as grand as a hunter's den with how cramped it is but it's better than nothing. Me and elazar barely fit inside so we spend most of our time outside of the den until it's time to sleep.

We've also been trying to improve on my disguise and I've gone back to covering my skin in charcoal any time I leave the camp.

In the week that we've been out here, there haven't been any drakov sightings nor had Elazar's tribe taken notice of me.

Another plus to being here is being so close to those magic healing waters. My shoulder has healed wonderfully, although Elazar still insists on me taking it easy. I wish we didn't have to hide from El's people, I feel guilty because I'm the one thing keeping him away from his own kind. Even if it is his choice, I'm not sure I've seen him be so confident while talking. 

With Kion he seems a lot more comfortable speaking about things. Even now they were openly discussing what they could do to diminish the chances of us being caught. 

"If we cut off the horns of a jablek it will look much more convincing!" Kion argued.

"We cannot simply go hunt down an jablek for its horns. They are out of season in this area, the herds have traveled too far north-" Elazar responded.

"We can steal the jablek horns from talok's various hunting trophies!"

"No, now that ratha and talok have fully mated ratha shall be staying within his den. She will notice if you try to steal from them. The hood will be enough for now." Elazar finalized as he worked on the project in his hands. 

Kion watched him wrap some needle-like thorns carefully aftwr dipping them in some dark viscous jelly, while I cooked some meat over the fire. 

"What is this for?" He picked up one of the bundles confused.

"It is a precaution. A weapon for Kora to use should she encounter anyone."

A weapon? I peeked over to see a few tiny leaf bundles smaller than my pinky finger, lined up in front of Elazar. 

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