chapter 31

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I'm relieved to be out of the caves and back in the forests with kora but my mind is still twisting in uncertainty with everything that has happened between us. I'm unsure about how she feels about me. Part of me believes she is disgusted by my appearance, specifically my shaft while another part thinks she is interested in me considering her forwardness and desire to handle my horns.

Close mates are usually the only ones who will handle each other in such a way but once she realized how sensitive they were to touch she threatened to do it more. As shameful as it may be, part of me wishes she would do it more, I wish to be more intimate with the female, this is something I've realized during our time below in the caverns.

I've been fighting with myself for days trying to figure out what I should do. My tribe's people would never approve of my relationship with Kora because she is not one of our own, it would be dangerous for the tribe should we decide to be together.

But I don't care. In all the sol's I've lived I've never felt more alive than when I'm with kora. Providing for her brings me joy and her strength and determination brings me pride. It does not matter to me that she is human. It does not matter to me if the tribe looks down upon us, they have never fully supported me in any way before.

Not even Roku, we may be close as brothers but he does not understand me. Like the others he does not see my desires and ambitions. And when I was hurting he simply told me to let go and move on as if it was as simple as scrubbing the dirt from one's body.

But kora. Kora is different. With her I found solace, even if it was simply a distraction before now it has grown like a kroll bud ready to bloom at the first light of day.

She comforted me in my moment of weakness and did not shun me like others have. She seems to understand my struggles, and how they feel. 

So why shouldn't I be allowed to court her? I shall make sure it does not affect the tribe so there should be no issues with it. As long as she's willing to accept me, then I will protect her with my life, I shall provide anything she could ever want The softest furs, the freshest meat. She will never grow hungry again.

"Phack!" The small female angrily spat a few feet away, drawing my attention. She was busy collecting dry branches off the ground to use for a fire.

I watched on for a moment as she put her full attention on the task at hand. I just pray to the fourth that she will accept my offering.

Placing everything we collected into a pile I started the fire and helped it grow with dried leaves and grass until it was strong enough to stand tall on its own. Kora crouched down reaching out towards the fire with her small hands to warm them up with a pleased smile on her face. 

The sun's light had finally died away engulfing the forest around us in darkness for another night.

Sniffing the air my senses were filled with the overwhelming scent of the vel'vhe blooms. I could already feel the effects of the flower I ate kicking in ever so slightly, but ignored it to focus on our surroundings. There should be sacred fruit somewhere around here…

Kora got up and walked over to the pond a few steps away to fill her strange waterskin with water and wash the grime off her skin. As she did this I left the campfire and walked to the treeline, searching for signs of the fruit.

As I moved aside some hanging branches with my tail I saw what I was looking for. Up above in the trees were some sparkling purple berries growing in the canopy. Walking up to the tree trunk I quickly scaled it with my claws, and climbed onto a branch high up where the berries were growing in large clusters. Using the blade of myntail I severed some from the tree and placed them into my pouch.

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