chapter 45

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How did I not notice I was being followed!? How did I fail to see Kion tailing me!?

How could I have blindly led someone straight to Kora!

An endless number of questions and worries raced through my mind as I held the boy down.

Kora could do nothing but stand off to the side waiting for me to do something. But I don't know what to do. I don't know how to fix this or if I even can. 

Why! Why was he out here! Why did he have to follow me?!

Kion whimpered and struggled beneath me but I kept his arms behind his back and his tail pinned to the ground while he was face down in the dirt. Faux! I don't know what to do!

Did anyone else follow or come with him?! I tightened my grip on Kion's arm and quickly scaled the surrounding area for any movement or traces of someone else being in the area.

Seeing none was both relieving but also worrying. What if they took off? What if they go back to the tribe and tell everyone what they saw? They could be sending out a hunting party as we speak!

Kion cried out even more as so many possibilities on how this could go wrong raced through my head.

"Elazar!" Kora came over grabbing my arm and I looked at her panicked, I can't lose her. "You're hurting him…" she spoke in English and my thoughts came to a halt as I looked down at the youngling who was whimpering with his eyes squeezed shut. My claws were digging into his arm and my grip was much tighter than necessary. 

He's still young, he doesn't pose a threat like a full grown adult… What am I doing? I released the hold I had on Kion and got to my feet standing over him. 

I kept hold on one of his arms with a firm grip but made sure not to hurt him further. He may not be physically adept and pose a danger in a normal sense but should he try to run and tell someone about any of this…

Shaking my head I tried to focus. I need to deal with one problem at a time. "Kora, rope!" I looked at her and spoke in what bit of English I did know. It was hard for me to speak it but I could understand it decently.

She seemed surprised and quickly untied the vines around her waist before giving it to me. Using the vines I bound Kion's arms behind him and secured his tail to one of his legs to prevent him from cutting himself free. 

Kora watched on confused as I pulled the boy to his feet and quickly dragged him to our campsite. "Elazar what are you doing?!" 

"Others we must leave!" I tried to explain and gestured to the surrounding forest while gathering our supplies one handed. 

Kora glanced around fearfully and looked at Kion conflicted while grabbing the rest of our things. It took seconds to get our things together, but every second felt like an eternity. As if each second spent here, my tribe's warriors would be another step closer to reaching us.

"Do not speak or utter a single sound." I warned Kion before pulling him with us as we moved far away from our camp.

None of us spoke as we traveled, leaving a winding and confusing trail that might have confused anyone who followed. Tensions were high as we pushed forward for hours and uncertainty plagued my mind.

I led us to the healing springs and told Kora to set up while tying Kions hands to a tree as a precaution. He didn't say a word to me and kept his head down in submission. I'd never intentionally hurt the boy but at the moment I can't simply let him go.

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