Chapter 9

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Becky's POV

Once I got out of the car. I stopped dead in my track. Oh My God I gushed as I looked towards the mansion staring right back at me. The mansion loomed proudly behind creaky iron gates, flanked by rows of skeletal trees crowned in Crimson, a long drive way line with pine trees and glass garden stakes. It stood tall like a stone tower with white marble pillar leading to the entrance. It was the most beautiful mansion I had ever seen, and I could feel myself drooling all over it.

"You coming in?" Freen asked trying hard to hold back her laughter.

I snapped out of the world I had momentarily allowed myself to get in and hurriedly went to meet her by the door where she stood. Just as she was about to knock,the door flew open and out was an elderly woman who must be in her fifties and who I assumed to be her mother.

" Look who we have here" she said as she threw Freen a hug.

Noticing me from behind she let go of her hands and took mine. "and who is this beautiful young lady?" she asked turning around to look at Freen who now stood behind her.

"Mom this is Becky Armstrong and Becky meet my mom" she calmly introduced us.

"Hello ma'am, it's nice to meet you"I greeted.

"Please call me Martha" she corrected and I nodded. I already seems to like her because she is the kind of woman with humors that you can hardly be able to resist.


We followed her in to the house as she explained that her dad was out for some time and would be back shortly. We went straight to the dining hall which was decorated with glass marbles. white sparkling tiles and beautiful furnitures.

Where she had already arranged different types of dishes. I was completely mesmerized. it's really surprising that a woman of her age still loves cooking and so active as well,well I do love cooking too but with my job I hardly get time to cook not until weekends. I only had to order pizza and some thai food during the weeks.

I watched them as they talked about so many things while we eat. I didn't bother that they were talking only within themselves. I could understand that it had been long since they last saw each other and Martha seems to be so fond of her daughter.

While listening to their conversation. sometimes I smile and other times I chuckle,they talked so lovely and carefree that made me got envious. oh how I wish my own parents were still alive. I would have,my thoughts were interrupted when an elderly looking man who seems to be in his sixties walked into the dining hall. He looked so much like Freen and if not for the age difference. I would have thought that they were twins.

He walked gracefully towards us and gave Freen a bear hug. I could see the pure love and fondness he has for Freen in his eyes. After some minutes, he let go off Freen and looked towards me. "oh forgive my manners dear, and who do we have here?" he asked looking straight at me. "Oh honey, that's Becky, she is a special guest, Freen brought her along" Martha answered cheerfully..

"Mom dad, I will take Becky to the guest room. she must be very tired by now, it had been a long journey and am sure she would like to take some rest. I will be back shortly" Freen excused us and walked me towards the door....

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- Your innocent author P.D

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