I Have A Dam Problem (Hera)

Start from the beginning

"If you say so. You're just describing any decent person," I said.

"True, but such a person is rare," Hazel said.

"Ugh. Enough with this touchy feely stuff. Can we just continue reading?" Ares complained.

"Patience, nephew," Hestia said, calmly. "Go ahead, Hera."

[Her voice... never existed."]

"That's horrible!" Piper exclaimed.

"Yes, quite," Artemis said.

["Why?"... "It's huge."]

"Not only did my three best friends go to the Smithsonian without me, but they went to the Hoover Dam too, for shame," Annabeth said, shaking her head.

"We didn't exactly have a choice," Thalia said.

"I know, Thals," she said.

"How about we stop by both places on our way to New Rome?" I suggested softly.

Her eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Of course. I didn't exactly get to do much sight seeing at either place," I said.

Annabeth smiled wide and hugged me tight. 

"I love you," she whispered excitedly.

[We stood... United States."]

"Aw, you three do listen," Annabeth said with a smile.

"Of course we do," Grover said.

"You do have some really interesting fun facts," Thalia said and I nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys," she said.

[Zoe stared... it is."]

"Way to make it sound like I was dead though," Annabeth said with a small laugh.

"I guess our pessimistic side was coming through," I said. "I didn't even notice my phrasing."

"Neither did I," Thalia said.

"Whoops," Grover said.

[We had... like that."]

"Did you smell Bessie?" I whispered to Grover.

He shook his head, "Not that I recall. I could barely smell the zombies as it was; there was just too much input to be certain."

[I didn't... good luck."]

"Really? What for?" Hazel asked.

"Superstition," Thalia said.

["Why?"... it up]

"Probably for the best," Grover said.

"Probably," I said in agreement.

["Let us... dam T-shirt."]

Grover, Thalia, and I were laughing hard once again, and a few others were as well. 

"Seriously? That was your inside joke?" Annabeth asked incredulously.

"I guess it's one of those you had to have been there jokes," I said.

"I disagree. That is hilarious!" Leo exclaimed.

"It is!" Travis agreed.

Annabeth, Calypso, and Katie all shared a commiserating look of fond exasperation.

[I busted... right in."]

"We shouldn't have left you," Grover said.

"It's fine," I said. "It worked out for the better anyway."

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