Can't Help Falling in Love.

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I soon realized the person on top of me had abandoned her knife. They bashed her fist against my arm as I blocked their punches. I huddled into a ball as I tried to protect myself. "Who are you?" I mustered out. They didn't respond to me, instead they kept slamming their fist into me.

I didn't have the strength or ability to fight back, I was too focused on protecting my face from being squished into the ground.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the punches got harder. I knew this wasn't the best idea, I knew something bad would come out of this little adventure.

This would be the end of everything. That faceless monster would continue haunting the poor kids of this town. It would continue to manipulate Toby into killing people. A whole bunch of innocent people would be murdered.

My mother would turn on the TV and find out her only child was dead, bludgeoned to death. I wouldn't get to say goodbye to her, or see her ever again. She would never get the closure she would need to get over my murder.

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. She continued to punch my arms, it was only a matter of time until she would break through to my face. Finally I felt it, my arms broke through. I waited for her fist to meet my face, but it never did.

I felt the masked figure fall off of me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Toby hovering over me. "Toby!" I smiled widely, as my eyes widened in surprise. Toby grabbed my arm and lifted me up from the ground. "Neither of us can be here right now." I already knew why. I looked over to the masked person who was already getting off the ground.

Before I knew it Toby was grabbing my hand and dragging me through the forest, as he ran. I dodged branches, and jumped over bushes and logs. Behind us I could hear the sound of leaves being stepped on.

I tried not to look back. I didn't want to know if they were gaining on us. I squeezed Toby's hand tighter so I wouldn't lose him while we ran. I wanted to close my eyes and pretend I was in my happy place. It was safe to say I wouldn't be going into the forest any time soon.

"Toby!" I stumbled as I finally heard the person behind us talking. They were definitely a girl. It didn't sound like they were too close. I turned my head back and saw they were quite a ways away.

"You're going to regret this!" Toby ignored the girl behind us, as he dragged me out into the road. Hope spread through me as I saw my car, I continued holding Toby's hand as I now dragged him to my car.

We split up at the end of the car. I ran to the driver's seat, while Toby ran to the passengers seat. I dove into my car and started it. When both me and Toby were in the car I made sure to lock the doors.

The engine roared as I moved my mirror to check behind me. The girl who was chasing us stood many feet behind us. She was no longer running after us, instead she was standing still, like a deer in headlights. It was like she had given up.

I speed onto the road, swerving to the right lane. I stepped on the gas pedal as hard as I could, until I was around a mile away from where I had originally parked.

Finally I had returned to a normal speed. I looked over to Toby, then back to the road. "I'm sorry about earlier." He swallowed, but stayed silent. "I shouldn't have dug into your past like that. I didn't realize that it had done so much to you." I sighed waiting for his response. Eventually he cleared his throat. "It's fine, I'm sorry about what I said as well." I looked over to him, confused for a moment until I remembered his comment. 'I had a choice with you, you're starting to make me think I made the wrong one.' I looked back at the road, I watched as the yellow and white lines passed under my car. "I know I didn't make the wrong choice." His voice was firm, it made blood rush to my face.

I rubbed my cheeks, like I was trying to rub away the color from them. "Thanks." I didn't bother looking over at Toby, I didn't want to know if he was looking at me. The thought made me shiver.

"Anyways about Kate." This time I did look at him. "Is that the one who was chasing us?" He nodded.

He explained the whole story to me, and how she was someone I should also avoid. She was stronger than I could ever be. I didn't know if I should have taken that as an insult or not. Then he explained to me, about how the 'gig was up', because now the other people inhabiting the forest knew he was the mole.

"So what now?" I asked. We were almost to my apartment by now. He tilted his head towards me. "What do you mean? You're the one who poses a threat to the operator, you call the shots." Suddenly I remembered what annoyed me so much about this man, but this time it didn't bother me as much. Maybe it was because he was acting differently. Maybe he was just tired, but the Toby I knew lived to annoy me. Now he seemed content just to be with me.

"That doesn't help." I laughed out. He shrugged but continued. "We'll figure it out."

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