CH 1.2 Hunting Pimps

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Alex smiled weakly, determination staining her eyes. "Even better. Pimps love prey."

Rile tugged her close again and whispered in her ear, "Then stay home, because I'm worried sick about you."

Alex cupped Rile's muzzle in her hands and brushed their noses together. "I'm worried sick about her, too. She has no one else to worry about her. You're my backup; you won't let anything happen to me, right? Besides, I promise if she's not on that corner, we'll come home."

Rile kissed the palm of Alex's hand and nuzzled into her neck. "Let's go," he said. "The sooner we get started, the sooner we can come home and sleep."


Alex flew straight as close as she dared to the woman's corner. She could see the woman from the hospital leaning against the wall, her pale face drawn and tired. Alex pointed at the bar. "I'm going into the bar. The pimp likes it there because it's more comfortable."

Rile scowled. "I'm going in, crazy lady."

Alex shook her head. "I need you in the back alley, crazy dragon. What I'm about to do is sickening, but not sex - I need you there to make sure nothing like that happens." Her eyes narrowed as a plan formed in her mind. "The alley is where all the real action takes place: ruby light to punish pimps or a good beating by you." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Stay in the alley and watch my back, Rile. Please?"

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled, pulling down his Stetson and reaching for his sword hilt. "I want to practice castration on human males. It should be easy. Disgusting how they leave it all hanging out."

Alex put her hands on her hips. "What have you been looking up on the internet? Besides, that will excite the local law enforcement. Human males stick together about that stuff, both thugs and police. I won't be able to do what I do in this area anymore." Alex waited, gaze on Rile's face.

"Fine." Rile stalked into the alley.

Alex entered the bar one hip at a time. Her gaze swept over the customers, looking for the pimp, before she slumped onto a bar stool. The dance floor was filthy, small, and empty. A jukebox with a broken bubbler spewed tinny music. The stench of stale beer and sweat hung heavy in the air.

Alex settled on a tall bar stool, crossing her legs at the ankle and tugging down her tight leather booty shorts. The bartender leaned over and Alex ordered a cheap beer. It wasn't long before men came sniffing around. Alex blew them off until one ordered her a drink. She slammed the shot straight from the bartender. Then she slunk off the bar stool to dance with the man. She rested her arms on his shoulders and moved in a desultory manner on the dance floor. When he tried to kiss her, she turned her cheek.

When he persisted, Alex said, "Hand job, twenty bucks."

A hiss distracted them. Alex closed her eyes briefly. She knew who it was before even turning around—Rile hadn't listened to her and followed her into the bar.

With disgust clawing her stomach now, she stroked the man's crotch and said, "Want dis?"

The man nodded eagerly, grinding himself against her. "Yeah baby."

"Twenty bucks. Now." Alex moved her pelvis away.

"You know you want it."

"For twenty bucks." Alex dropped her arms from the man.

When he grabbed her, she pushed him away. He made to grab her again, but a slender white man with multiple, thick gold chains and chunky gold rings intervened.

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