Chapter 16: Sports Festival Finale

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Midnight cracked her whip as the crowd cheered, "Alrighty everyone! The Finals are here! This is a sports festival that will be talked about for years and years to come! I honestly kind of feel bad for the second and third years when they have their sports festival! No offense to them but they won't be able to compete with this! We have had Ingenium's younger brother Ida compete! Endeavor's son Shoto Todoroki compete! People trained by Izuku Midoriya! Last but certainly not least we have the successor of All Might himself Izuku Midoriya!" The crowd cheered hearing Midoriya's name, "This year certainly has shown promise! Now typically I am not allowed to say this but I have been granted permission! I know every pro hero in the world is watching this festival since they heard the news about a student! And I ask not just as a pro but as a teacher here! Don't just focus on the person we all know everyone is gonna want them to intern under! Every student here has earned there way and for you all to just all focus it on one student should not happen! I know this student is gonna receive hundreds of thousands of requests! Hell maybe even millions! But just because one student has shown so much promise does not mean all the other students should be ignored! I ask of all the pro heroes watching look at everyone! The finals will begin shortly! I just needed to say this message!" She then walked off stage.

Izuku was in his waiting room staring at his phone. He was scrolling through photos he had taken of him, his friends, his mom, All Might, Nighteye, Nighteye's intern Mirio, Gran Torino, and his girlfriend. So many people he cared about. And it could all be taken away by a snap of someone's fingers. He hadn't stopped thinking about what All Might and everyone else had said. He was truly the only one capable of stopping All for One. But should he turn down help? This was a battle that would shake the world. Figuratively and maybe literally. He grabbed the case files and looked over them again for the fifth time now. Every time he looked at them he felt worse and worse. How could he do this? He heard a knock on his door, "Hey Izuku! It's Kyoka!" "Come in!" She opened the door and saw the files on his table, "Um what is all that?" He sighed, "Files on people involved in a villian case All Might, Nighteye, and Gran Torino have been working on for years. They want me to be able to help fight when the time comes." Kyoka went to grab one of the files but Izuku stopped her, "Sorry but you can't look at these. Classified." She nodded and pulled her hand back, "You said that they have been working on this case for years. Haven't they found the guy?" He nodded, "They did at one point about six or seven years ago. All Might says it was his toughest opponent ever. Forced him to use everything he had." She gasped, "What!? Someone is that strong! Well besides you!" He shrugged, "I think of it like this. The universe requires balance. I was born this strong on the side of good so someone who will rival my strength was born on the side of evil. All Might was the same. Born on the side of good and he has his enemy."

Kyoka looked at the stack of files, "How many is there?" "This is ten files. Each one has three people. So thirty people involved in total in this stack. And this isn't even a fraction of them. This monster is well a monster." Kyoka grabbed his hand, "No matter what I know you will be able to win." He sighed, "I don't. Kyoka you don't know what I am up against. This dude gave All Might a run for his money and disappeared for years. No doubt making himself stronger. If I was him I would have made myself so strong All Might would be nothing but a pebble in my way. I know I am stronger then All Might now but what about back then?" "What do you mean. Hasn't he always been this strong?" He shook his head, "Remember All Might is almost 50 years old! The dude has lost strength just from old age. Not to mention from being in the type of work for 32 damn years. It takes a toll on the body. All Might isn't the same man he was back then. And this villian isn't either." Kyoka nodded, "So you think you won't be enough? If that's the case ask for help? If this villian is as strong as you say shouldn't you get all the help you can? Get all the other heroes to help." He sighed, "I don't know. Could they even help? This dude went toe to toe with All Might and walked out alive. Injured most likely but alive. That isn't something any villian today can say. Every hero compared to All Might in terms of strength well their are not many. Stars and Stripes, Endeavor, Miruko, Ryuko, and maybe some others. And that is comparing them to All Might's strength not mine. The list gets even smaller or ceases to exist. If they get involved they would get hurt."

OP IZUKUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें