Chapter 10: Facing Problems

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*Five Days Later*

Days have passed. Izuku has been in a coma for days on end. Everyone was worried. And by everyone literally everyone. Anyone who saw the news was worried. And the entirety of japan saw it. Everyone had seen months ago what Midoriya was capable of without his quirk. To them his quirk wasn't what he showed. His quirk was inspiration. The power to inspire people to be better. To help. To do everything they can to help others without anything in return. And that was before five days ago. Now it was even more. A 16 year old took thousands of quirk enhanced lightning bolts, All Might level hits, lasers going through him, broken bones, and so so much more. Yet he still stood strong, beat the villian, made the sun shine down, and through all that his smile never left his face. Not even for a second. Even when he was saved from falling by Hawks his smile never left. Everyone was excited to see this next generation of hero's especially Izuku Midoriya. To everyone he already was a hero. Maybe not on paper but that kid earned that title.

Izuku slowly opened his eyes. All he saw was a white ceiling and lights. The U.A. emergency room. Everything came back hitting him. The U.S.J., villians, and Nine. Izuku tried sitting up but everything was hurt. He was so tired but he needed to know if everyone was alright. He looked down by his hand and saw a call button. He weakly pressed it and within seconds Recovery Girl was in, "Midoriya!? You awake?" He groaned and spoke very weakly, "To loud..." He tried sitting up but Kyoka was right behind Recovery Girl and she gently pushed him down, "Not today hero you are staying in this bed until I say so. I don't give a damn what RG says." "Young lady I will hit you with my cane if you call me RG again. But I agree with Young Jiro. You are not leaving that bed until I say so. Or until she says so but whatever comes last I guess." Izuku looked over at her, "I-Is everyone o-ok?" Kyoka looked at him, "Dude what are you?" He slowly turned his head, "H-Huh?" "You get the actually fuck beat out of you, get struck my quirk lightning over a thousand different times, shatter your limbs, destroy your body, and then you proceed to do what analyst are calling, "As close to the speed of light we may ever see a man do." And you are worrying about everyone else! What kind of person are you?" Izuku chuckled lightly, "My name is Izuku Midoriya and I am best friends with one Kyoka Jiro. Have yet to know if that's a blessing or curse though." "Good keep it that way." Izuku laughed and subconsciously held Kyoka's hand. She blushed at it but smiled even brighter.

A couple hours passed and Izuku had been given a full discharge. He was ordered to take it slow for an entire week. Not by Recovery Girl but by one Kyoka Jiro. Once he was free to go he slowly got dressed. Once he did Kyoka came in, "Hey Kyoka do you know if my mom is here." She froze, "U-um yes. But actually good thing your sitting down. Your dad is also here." Izuku tensed up and looked at the window, "I got to get out of here. I am not dealing with this shit now. At a later date but not now." "Um they were right behind me." "Fuck." Suddenly the door opened and two people stood there. One Izuku instantly recognized being his mother Inko Midoriya. The one he didn't recognize but he felt anger forming inside him from knowing exactly who it was. Hisashi Midoriya. His father. His father who abandoned him for 11 years. Just great.

Inko instantly hugged him tightly, "Mom! A-Air!" She let go, "Izuku! W-We saw the news! We drove over their! W-We w-were so s-scared! Y-You almost died!" He smiled, "Mom as you can see I am fine. yeah I was injured heavily but nothing Recovery Girl and some other people couldn't fix!" He hopped off the bed and popped his knees along with his arms, "See! Good as new. Well except some scars but I can live with those." Inko spoke, "H-honey me and your dad have been talking these past couple days. He is against it but I need to say it." Izuku quickly looked back at Hisashi and back towards his mother, "What is it?" "I-I wanna take you out of U.A.!" The room went still his class was outside of the room getting ready to go in but stopped when they heard that singular sentence. "W-What!? Mom you can't! I have worked so hard to get here! I am not leaving!" "Izuku! You nearly died! All Might wasn't there! The pro's couldn't help! They had to rely on a 16 year old to fight! That should never happen!" "Yeah it shouldn't have mom but it did! If I wasn't there everyone would have died! My friends would have died! And what if it happens again!?" "Then you won't be there!" "So your saying you would prefer a bunch of students and teachers die and get injured than me get injured, be in a coma for a couple days, and come out fine!? What the hell!? Where would I even go then!? Shiketsu is all the way on the other side of Japan!" Inko took a breath, "While you were out the safety commission dropped by the house." The room went silent and Izuku balled his fists, "They said they could give you better training then U.A. ever could hope to give. Teach you faster and better. Make you stronger then you could have ever thought possible. Keep you out of harms way. Make it so you never got hurt again." Izuku slammed the back of his fist against the wall, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? DO YOU NOT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TWO FUCKING WEEKS AGO CAUSE I SURE DIDN'T! IT'S THE ENTIRE REASON THIS DUDE IS EVEN HERE!" He pointed at Hisashi, "I don't care what you try and make me do but just know I am going to U.A. and nothing is changing or stopping that. You can enroll me in the safety commission but I am not going. And whoever they send after me will be sent to the hospital. That wont be on my conscience. That will be on yours. And here I thought you finally believed in me." He looked at Hisashi, "I guess both of you didn't."

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